Accreditation Committee Schedule

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The GPUS Accreditations Committee generally meets periodically via conference call (with allowances for holidays and other circumstances) and conducts business via an email list. Since the committee includes members from 5 different time zones, we try for the most accommodating time possible.

In additional to the standing agenda items of the committee and other general (organizational) business to which the committee meetings will attend, the committee will often handle accreditation requests from state parties and identity caucuses, as well as complaints against parties and caucuses which are currently accredited or in the process of requesting accreditation.

The committee will generally take up these agenda items in the order that they have been presented to the committee, although it may choose to take up an item in an expedited fashion if events warrant this, or to delay consideration of an item if more time is needed to meet the committee’s commitment to due diligence.

For more information, please email