December 28, 2014

a) Facilitator – Jody Grage
c) Roll Call – Tamar Yager, Charles Ostdiek, Jesse Townley, Budd Dickinson, Audrey Clement, Darryl! Moch, Starlene Rankin, Karen Young, Jeff Turner
d) Agenda revisions – Liaison to FundCom request from Audrey – approved

a) Forum Transition Update – Budd
Opt-out rather than opt-in subscription to increase forum use was discussed. There is a mass email function that could be helpful. David Doonan handles such questions. Research will continue for next call.

a) Fundraising Report

David sent a nearly final 2014 report which Brian will complete as information becomes available. Karen sent a spreadsheet with more details.

b) Treasurer’s Financial Status Report

The latest deposit on December 16 included less than $4k for mailing. The next deposit will be on Dec.29.

1. Cash balances – Credit card online deposits were strong through 27 December. There is $14760 in the general account after $882 moved to the reserve account for the Black and Lavender Caucuses and a few small final payments for state sharing.

2. Accounts payable – $8k to Macalester, $3k for unpaid BAC loan. 3. Reserve account – $6389 + 882.

c) Financial Matters for Discussion and Decision

1. Medical insurance for employees – The SC reached consensus to continue with current plan and revisit this issue on the first call in March. There may be changes in these expenses with the move of the office to Maryland from DC. The budget does not yet include health insurance for a new fundraiser.

2. Merchandise purchases – The SC reached consensus to authorize about $1500 for 108 women’s t-shirts with a new design approved by MerchCom. Inventory is low and further purchases will be requested.

3. Global Greens Dues – Communication between Global Greens and GPUS Treasurer has been slow and the record of GPUS dues payment is not yet available. $1700 was sent early in 2014.

In the queue:

ID 769 – 2015 Budget – voting 12/28 – 1/4, Charles floor manager

ID 770 – FinCom member approval – voting 1/5 – 11 – Charles floor manager

Received for the Queue:

Proposal for the ANM in St. Louis, July 23-26, 2015 – ANMC is the sponsor. A proposal is needed to amend GPUS bylaws to eliminate the conflict between the GNC-approved proposal that the SC make this decision and the bylaws that do not include this as an SC function. The SC reached consensus on an expedited proposal and voted for a one-week discussion period. (The vote for a one-week discussion period was Jesse – no, Budd – no, Starlene – no, Tamar – yes, Jeff – yes, Karen – yes, Charles – yes, Darryl! – yes, Audrey – yes. Floor manager Tamar.

Election of members of the Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC) – There are four candidates. Discussion will be 2 weeks starting 1/5. Floor manager Tamar


a) Proposal that Karen Young be named supervisor for Fundraising Manager.
The proposal was withdrawn. The issue of staff supervision will be on the next agenda. There was discussion of a team approach to supervision.

b) Fundraising Manager Recruitment
Discussion included hiring a fundraiser rather than a fundraising manager or director, indicating in the advertising for the position that the job could be half or full time, that the tasks could be split into two jobs, that demonstrated experience in raising money was essential. The ad should sell the Green Party, give job specifications, personal qualities needed, ask for education info, and that being located in DC would be a plus but telecommuting would also be acceptable. Input has been received from Brian and Dave. It was suggested that the paragraph beginning “There can be…” be removed from the job description notes. A hiring committee meeting will be scheduled and the ad will go out after New Years week.

c) Limiting the SC list serve to only SC members – Charles – The SC reached consensus to approve.

d) Liaison to Fundcom – Audrey – The SC reached consensus to approve Audrey as liaison to FundCom.

— Budd Dickinson