December 30, 2012

GPUS Steering Comm Conference Call Minutes
Sunday, Dec 30, 2012 – 8:00 p.m. ET

a. Facilitator – Charles Ostdiek
b. Roll Call – Susan Chunco, Budd Dickinson, Jeff Turner, Steve Welzer, Karen Young, , Charles Ostdiek, Darryl! Moch
Absent – Farheen Hakeem, AJ Segneri
c. Agenda revisions – Fundraiser Dave Sacks would like to talk to us. Consensus to add.

I. A. The Fundraising Committee is starting a donor recognition program. Dave Sacks has found in his research into best fundraising practices, that calling donors with a thank you shortly after they give is very good for retention and increased donations. Having the call come from leadership is also considered a best practice. Dave explained this and rounded up some volunteers from the Steering Committee to make these thank you calls.

The following volunteered: Jeff, Susan, Steve, Darryl, Charles and Karen.

a. Cash report to date – General Fund has $7500. Will postpone payment of Red Sun Press bill just received.

In the queue: none

Received for the queue:
Assign Green Party of Nevada to Temporary Inactive Status – from AccredCom. This will go to the queue next Sunday for 2 weeks discussion and 1 week vote. Floor Manager – AJ

Assign Desert Greens (Utah) to Temporary Inactive Status – from AC. This will go to the queue next Sunday for 2 weeks discussion and 1 week vote. Floor Manager – AJ

Approval of Mark Jenkins, Arkansas, for membership on the Finance Committee. This will go to the queue next Sunday for 2 weeks discussion and 1 week vote.

IV. Report on progress of the Strategic Planning Working Group (10 mins). Karen
Letters have gone out to all those selected and to the 2 or 3 who were not. The first meeting will be the week of 1/7.

V. Elections Data Base and Officeholders List – Brent McMillan is stepping down from his volunteer activities of maintaining the elections database and the current officeholder list at the end of 2012.

On 12/29, he said, “I would suggest turning over these responsibilities to paid staff. They are far more time consuming then most people would imagine. I work on the elections database almost daily. I will be available to assist in the transition. There is a physical archive as well as a digital one that is maintained in opensource format. The physical archive takes up about 3 feet of shelf space. ”

Darryl reported that the CCC is working on this as volunteers. Jeff and Karen feel that this should be a staff function. Perhaps Scott or David Doonan or a stipended Secretary. Darryl and Karen proposed that a plan for this be completed by mid-February. Darryl will take the lead.


Susan – on leave from committee work.

Karen – AccredCom – Holly and Tamar were elected co-chairs. Kentucky GP will be accredited shortly.
– Merchcom has had a couple of meetings.
– Outreach – some interest is being shown.
– Sent out committee list with descriptions and contacts. Suggest all take these to state meetings to recruit.

Darryl! – CCC and House and Senate Campaign Committees have had joint meetings 2/month.
– Diversity will be forming again.

Steve – BAC is having conference calls. Webpages for BAC and PCSC are being updated.

Charles – has been sick. The outreach page could have better access to the links by eliminating the use of a link “other greenish sites” and just listing the sites right there.
– BRPP webpage updated. The ecoact page should be up to date soon. and that the IC page could use a report on the recent fpva meeting.
– IC – being put on listserv. Chair has made request of list manager.

VII. Online vote for ATC chair – On 12/25 the SC approved Phil Huckelberry for Apportionment Tabulation Committee chair. 5 yes, 1 no, 2 abstain. Yes – Budd, Karen, Steve, AJ, Susan; No – Farheen; Abstain – Darryl, Charles.

Budd Dickinson