June 28, 2009

Sunday, June 28, 2009
8:00 p.m. EDT

Co-chairs: Sanda Everrett, Jill Bussiere, Jason Nabewaniec, Craig Thorsen, Phil Huckelberry
Secretary: Holly Hart
Treasurer: Jody Grage
Staff: Tamar Yager, Brian Bittner, Brent McMillan

Budd Dickinson is out of town and will not be on the call. Cliff Thornton is not able to be on the call.

Facilitator: Craig Thorsen


Sent a report to the SC. This week, had a conference call w/ JIll, Holly & George Martin for “messaging plenary” at the ANM. Will have assisting facilitators to help with break-outs – George Friday, David Bosserman, Kat Swift.

Brent is scheduled for 4 workshops; hopes Angel Torres can do of them.

As of Friday, there are 90 registrations for the ANM, near the break-even point, looking good.

Tamar will be going to GreenFest in Alfred, NY to table.

Merchandise blast planned for Friday was re-scheduled for Monday.

Brian did a social networking action on Friday – got 4 contributions, the highest being $55.

GreenLine will go out July 17, Brian is providing copy; about ANM and Cynthia’s appearance, and more on Bill Maher. Email blast for Friday, 7/31 – wrap up of ANM, Jill will provide copy. Brain will get something ready on employee free choice act.

Email policy on database; Dave Doonan is currently scheduling back-up on his computer

Brent is scheduled to testify tomorrow at a public hearing regarding DC ballot access.

Good event with Cynthia McKinney, organized in 6 hours, standing room only.


Sent report to SC. Major work on database, getting list to Empower. Phil was able to get some information we have not been able to get from CivCRM.

Continuing to look into GPCA and ME voter lists.

Question of whether we will do a re-solicitation letter in August, or just an online appeal. It looks like we will not be able to pay Red Sun.

Matt Nelson provided the proof of a basic brochure that she can use for GreenFest.


Request to use final copies of Green Pages for bundles only, i.e., not mail them as individual copies. Proposed instead to send rest of papers to office for more bundle sales and to have at the ANM in Durham. Jason asked how long after the ANM would it be until we send notice to our donors (who would normally receive a copy of Green Pages); question of how long a time without any communication. AGREED, by consensus


Jody sent out a financial status report on Friday. Our financial situation is dire. Income so far this month is very low. We have brought in less than $3000 this month. Paid rent and some collection charges from last month. There are many items in accounts payable that have not been paid. Loan money is coming in, slowly. Jody would like to get loan money to pay Red Sun bill. Bill Kreml made another donation toward payment to Palmer Hilton.

Phil reported that ILGP will be making a contribution and there will probably be other donations. He will bring checks to Durham.

We will need $5.8K to pay salaries this coming week. We have $3.7K in general fund, btu this is largely money from the loan; $20.9 for ANM. Loan and ANM funds were not to be used to pay salaries; Jody asked if SC would approve funds from these sources for salaries (then re-payg). Brian noted that ILGP made a large merchandise purchase and their credit card purchase has been processed. Tamar stated that there should be at least a couple hundred dollars coming in from Empower fundraising over the weekend.

Jody asked about borrowing funds from the loan to pay salaries on 7/14; instead of waiting until 7/16. Other SC members did not approve of this. Budget and donor bill of rights prohibit our using funds for purposes other than they were designated. We were to have sent out a re-solicitation letter by now, but inability to Red Sun press and problems with database have prevented this. Jody asked that the SC be more diligent about reading the cash flow reports – information on what funds we have, what we have to pay, are all there.

Craig asked for a decision on one of 3 options: delay salaries until money comes in; SC would move funds around, asking individuals and committees to approve, to pay salaries; another meeting for Thursday or next Sunday or handle this online in the next 3 days. Jody pointed out that a meeting Thursday would mean that payroll would not be authorized until the following day and staff would not be paid until the following week.

Jody suggested she contact people who offered loan funds to see if they would approve using them for payroll. Jason pointed out that the NC approved loan terms, so this would need NC approval.

Jason suggested SC temporarily loan reimbursement of ANM travel expenses (in the ANM funds) and use those funds to pay salaries now. APPROVED.


Fiscal Policy and approvals for ANM facilitators will go to a vote
tomorrow. This will provide (assuming approval) several facilitators available for the ANM, plus others recruited to help with Saturday break-out sessions.


Earlier approved $3000 for merchandise for ANM. Order was reduced to $2000, due to lack of space in the office.

V. ANM – as needed
Schedule (proposed Friday & Sunday drafts forthcoming; Saturday sessions; Cynthia McKinney)

Facilitators; facilitators for Saturday break-out sessions

Events – single-payer; fundraiser

SC meetings; meeting with potential SC members

NEXT CALL would be Sunday, June 26. This will be during the ANM. SC will
meet with SC candidates. Next call will be after the ANM maybe include
some outgoing along with incoming SC.

Holly Hart
Secretary, GPUS