March 21, 2010

GPUS SC Conference Call
Sunday, March 21, 2009
8:00 p.m. EST

Craig Thorsen, Jason Nabewaniec, Mike Feinstein, Farheen Hakeem
Secretary: Holly Hart
Treasurer: Jody Grage
Staff: Brent McMillan, Brian Bittner

Sanda and David were not able to be on tonight’s call.

Charlie Pillsbury is available to facilitate from 8 – 10 p.m.

NOTES: Thanks to Sanda for contributing $150 to include a GPUS ad in the SNCC brochure ad (.pdf forwarded in attachment to the SC).


I. Executive Session – approx. 15 minutes

If needed; items may not require executive session

8:08 – 8:11 p.m. Legal question, report.




Sent report on Friday.

Contacted by Gale Group, licensing of publications would like to license Green Pages This would make Green Pages available to libraries. They are a corporation. They would normally offer a royalty, but as a corporation it would conflict with our policy to accept funds from them. Brent asked if we would be willing to make arrangement not to pay. Brent offered to speak further with representative and bring arrangement back to SC for approval; will suggest we forego royalties.


International Seeds Day asks if we will endorse again this year (we endorsed last year). They are asking us to re-confirm our endorsement, and would be interested if GPUS is doing something in conjunction with it.

APPROVED, consensus. Brent will contact SEEDs and will notify the NC; he will also see if there are potential delegates in conjunction with this.

Charlie noted later in the cal that there is a link to the 2009 SEEDS Day, and recommended that tehe web manager update that link, to 2010.

Brent is traveling to washington State for campaign workshops in Seattle in April. Hopes to be re-imbursed for expenses by Green Party fo washington State.

Transpartisan Alliance will be meeting in Washington State, as well. he will keep us apprised of potential agenda items.

159 candidates currently for the year; added 19 this week.

Fundraising – working on next re-solicitation. Hopes to have it ready so first turns arrive in office around end of may-early June.


Sent report on Friday. He has set up a website for registration for the ANM, could be announced as soon as tomorrow. Holly asked to add a

checkbox to note if someone would be attending as a GNC delegate/alternate. Brian said probably not, but he would include that in a follow-up email or contact to go out to everyone who registers.

FEC filing for February transactions was filed successfully on Friday.

Purchase/use of younggreens domain names. Discussion, no action taken; follow up to find out what options are and what costs would be.



Sent report Saturday morning. $1.9K in general funds; plus some in loan funds, $85 in IC funds, $1790 in IT funds. We have paid all external bills except $6.3K to Red Sun and end-of-month salaries and collection charges at the end of the month. Brent is expecting a $10K check; by end of the month, should have paid off external debt. That will leave loan and $200 to North Carolina. Also, $16+K in earmarked funds, still an improvement. Expenses/mo are less because of staff reductions.


IV. Information and Discussion – Creation of a page on our website for best practices for state and local organizing – Brent

Brent sent more details this afternoon. This began as a conversation on the Fundraising Committee. Things that give us more credibility when we ask for funds on behalf of t\he national party. Discussion on what would put the national party in a more active role, in terms of what lends credibility and is of interest to those considering donations. Karen Young has put together a proposal for the creation of temporary working group to create a local organizing kit.

Would like SC to look over draft, then bring back on next call.

Creation of web page dedicated to best practices to state and local organizing. Brent would like to work with David Doonan to develop such a page. Brian has taken a look at our organizing page, out of date.


V. PROPOSAL to endorse World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth – requested by Sanda (see information sent by Sanda), and also on behalf of members of the International Committee.

Mike explained this is like the Citizens’ Alternative to Copenhagen, recommended we be part of it.

APPROVED ENDORSEMENT, by consensus. SC will ask Sanda to get back to organization.


VI. VOTING QUEUE, and misc. secretary items – Holly

a. Brief review of voting queue items, if needed.

b. DAC – Craig: suggested he and David Strand send out a proposal to re-institute the DAC, which means having people nominated and elected. Suggested 3 week call for nominations, 2 week discussion, 1 week vote, to finalize on May 2.

AGREED, by consensus

c. Forum Managers update. There is now one nomination. Holly will send another announcement, request for nominations/volunteers. Craig wanted a different address should be used to send nominations. Holly suggested creating a standard “” – that can be re-used. Holly will follow up with Brian.


VII. PROPOSAL – Steering Committee Online Voting Procedure – Mike

Proposal is found here:

Some concerns were worked out. CONSENSUS of proposal, as amended, with one further item (timeline) which Mike will draft for future consideration.


VIII. PROPOSAL – GPUS Bylaws Amendment: Name, Purpose and Applicability –

As part of the preparation for the strategic planning session of the 2010 GPUS Annual National Meeting, the Steering Committee (SC) directed Brent McMillan, Jody Grage and Mike Feinstein to meet and make recommendations to the SC. This proposal is one such recommendation, to amend the Purpose Article of GPUS Bylaws.

Mike, Jody & Brent had a call to discuss strategy. Noted GPUS current mission statement was drafted in late 1990’s. Thought for ANM strategy session, could update this to reflect current reality.

Jason asked if this was a proposal now. Mike said it was. Holly noted that some of this is housekeeping, but a couple things alter or may alter function or description of the GNC and its function; felt the GNC should discuss this before voting on a proposal now. Jody stated this proposal was to further that conversation. Jason also felt we need to have the discussion of what it is we’re attempting to do first, then have the proposal come out of that. Mike – this is more on the level of just describing, not a lot of dispute that these are things that we do, change from 1996 to presenting – get the basics in place, then we can expand in June. Farheen expressed confusion on this having been a discussion item, Mike clarified it had been posted as such.

Farheen and Charlie asked to go a vote. Mike asked to pull it and wordsmith.

Craig asked that these be moved up higher on the next call agenda.



Andy and Jason had to leave the call.



Craig asked that these be moved up higher on the next call agenda.IX.
Follow-up/Report on SC online business

1. Proposal on Re-programming GNC Voting Page for additional options/approved as of Friday 3/12/10

The decisions of 3/17/10 call authorizing Hugh to follow up was approved and sent to Hugh Esco.

2. Proposal on SC approval of bylaws amendment for Steering Committee Elections for the GPUS Voting Queue for March 8th, 2010/approved, in voting queue

Voting starts tonight.



Craig – now that the re-apportionment is done: the 4 states that were “inactivated,” the AC will be meeting to see if there is any activity in those states.

Mike – Green Pages has initiated a discussion thread among GP editorial board, fundraising committee chairs, standing committee co-chairs, media, concerning an outreach piece of literature to be available at the ANM.



Finance, Fundraising, Platform Committees are figuring out how we are going to use the time.

Invitation from IPPN to co-sponsor session on strategy. Ted Glick has mentioend that Friday is a good possibility, but not much isknown, yet. By Sunday’s call, Sanda may have contacted Ted and have more to report. SEE message from Sanda, with a brief update (re-sent). Friday now seems like the most likely day for this to be held, which is to our benefit.

Sanda was interested in being involved with this; Farheen al;so expressed interest. Agreed that both should work with IPPN to arrange for the meeting.


NO REPORT – XII. Fundraising – DISCUSSION OF strategy, ideas; Jason stated he had a report or input from FundCom, but had to leave the call before this agenda item was addressed.

Craig asked that these be moved up higher on the next call agenda.


From 2/7/10 call:

Jody spoke with FundCom co-chair Karen Young how FundCom can gain more knowledge and skill, how can SC facilitate this. Jody said that

FundCom tends to focus on expense side of the budget; we need them to focus on income side. Jason will follow up with FundCom.



NO REPORT – XIII. DISCUSSION of strategic plan

Mike, Jody and Brent had a call; Jody will send call notes to the SC ocne Mike and Brent have reviewed them.

Mission Statement

Office Holders’ Network

Materials for state and local organizing


From 2/7/10 call:

Jody – again, the question of “how do we get to this?” One suggestion was a couple extra calls on subject. This affects a lot of things, including fundraising. Mike and Jody volunteered to work with Brent to move forward on work already started last year.


NEXT CALL: Sunday, April 4, 2010; 8:00 p.m. EDT

Some concerns about being more aware of scheduling calls on religious holidays. If some have problems with having a call on April 4, please let us know, as soon as possible.

Holly Hart
Secretary, GPUS