March 22, 2015

a) Facilitator – Jody Grage
b) Roll Call – Karen Young, Budd Dickinson, Tamar Yager, Audrey Clement, Starlene Rankin, Charles Ostdiek, Jesse Townley, Darryl! Moch, Jeff Turner
c) Recording started. (Delegates may get the # to listen to it from the Secretary.)


a) Forum Issues – proposals for approval of GPUS Forum Managers – AC Proposal to NC to approve Holly Hart and Frank Young as Forum Manager. There was consensus. Budd will be floor manager.

b) NC Delegate Meeting, etc., at 2015 ANM
SC members urged to participate in planning the delegate meeting. Darryl! agreed to be the SC lead and will pass on ideas that have come from several SC members. May 10 is the due date to have the agenda ready for SC vote.

c) Endorse Global Climate Convergence
Consensus that the SC has approved endorsement under the 24-48 hour option.


a) Treasurer’s Report
The report sent shows Red Sun paid, a deposit on web site contract, and Macalester balance owed at $5K. Account balance is about $5k which is low and we haven’t paid a fundraiser for 2 months.

b) Fundraising Report
Latest fundraising letter is being received though returns haven’t started coming in. FundCom is planning a campaign for Earth Day with voting on environmental issues weighted according to amount contributed. Suggestions to limit options to perhaps five and to consult with EcoAction on options.


a) Endorsement of the APRIL 14—STOP BUSINESS AS USUAL! Action (to stop police murder of black and brown people).**
The requester, Logan Martinez, asked that we hold off on endorsing. Since we will not meet again until April 12, a vote was conducted to endorse provisionally dependent on getting the okay from sponsor and the exact text of the proposal.

(Audrey NO, Budd YES, Jesse YES, Tamar YES, Darryl! YES, Jeff ABSTAIN, Karen Yes, Charles YES, Starlene YES) Darryl! will take the lead on following up on this.

V. EXECUTIVE SESSION – personnel – Attendance: Karen Young, Budd Dickinson, Tamar Yager, Audrey Clement, Charles Ostdiek, Jesse Townley, Darryl! Moch, Jeff Turner. There was a provisional decision to fill the fundraising position pending reference checks, responsibilities and salary negotiations and final contract approval by the Steering Committee.

Budd Dickinson
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