November 14, 2010

GPUS SC Conference Call
Sunday, November 14, 2010
8:00 p.m. EST

Co-chairs: Julie Jacobson, Jason Nabewaniec, Theresa El-Amin, Craig Thorsen, Mike Feinstein, David Strand, Farheen Hakeem
Secretary: Holly Hart
Treasurer: Jeff Turner
Staff: Brent McMillan

Brian Bittner cannot be on tonight’s call, due to a family event.

Guests: Justine McCabe, Co-chair, International Committee; Jody Grage, FinCom
Observers: Julia Aires, (GPFL)

Facilitator: Holly

Agenda review 5-10 minutes

Bent id d a wrap-up on June mailing, netted a little over $11,000l 2 for 1, good for a summer mailing. he is focusing on getting turf ready for those willing to make prospecting calls.

On Friday, Brent had a chance to speak with Dr Margaret flowers and others involved with the single-payer health conference in Philadelphia. Brent felt this was a very productive meeting, a lot of potential. Theresa added her agreement. She spent the afternoon with GPPA and noted a “great meeting,” good election reports.

2011 candidates are already showing up. Mike stated his appreciation of Brent’s listing election reports state by state, very helpful reporting format.

Holly raised a question about an item in Brian’s office manager report, indicating that they are following up with the person who was going to access our donor database (to retrieve information and find out what is actually here). The individual the SC initially planned on was unresponsive. Brent said there are currently no plans, they will try to find someone else. In Brian’s report, he was actually writing about a finding someone at wired for change to help make a transition.

Jeff asked Brent when was his “expected time of departure.” Brent went over his plans, and said he had purchased a back-up hard drive to store everything and wold be able to go over with new staff.

Jeff sent out a report on Nov. 10th. Accounts Payable has been growing until this week. With income, next bills to pay staff/contractors; health insurance; pair; wired for change

A little more of the loan funds have come in; Jeff and Brian will add up how much.

Jeff marked comments that have come in about the finance/budget documents, has not had time to work further.

We may need to find a new payroll vendor. Sun Trust has not always been competent. Jeff hopes we can find a co-op bank inline with our values that can provide good service

Jeff said we need to find an accountant; he is not able to do both treasurer duties and serve as an accountant. Mike pointed out it will take 6 weeks to get a new treasurer. In terms of signing a check, the chair of the FinCom SC liaison (David Strand, in this case) would have authority to sign checks in Jeff’s absence. Jeff stated he was not going to leave us in the lurch; it’s more important to find an accountant.

III. VOTING QUEUE, misc. secretary items

a. International Committee, state sponsors forthcoming: P&P’s

Craig and Mike presented “findings” on why they believe this proposal is not ready for the voting queue. Mike clarified that his message did not constitute a separate set of “findings” but was in support of Craig’s.

Craig’s findings are that it is inappropriate for the IC to select/elect representatives to international meetings; and that this proposal allows all past IC decisions to be approved.

Mike stated there was an “honest mistake.” The IC mission statement is too sparse to allow it to function, it mixes duties and responsibilities into this proposal. Larger “powers” of the committee need to be in a different document that requires 2/3 approval threshold. These P&P’s are trying to implement “powers” of the IC along with internal working procedures. It’s up to the GNC to determine who selects international representatives.

Justine McCabe, IC co-chair, responded: The IC has been submitting these since June of 2009. The IC proposed a Mission Statement and it passed. Now it’s being said it wasn’t done right. The current proposal does what the IC agreed to do and makes their mission statement operative, and does follow exactly what the bylaws say it should. Regarding having the IC propose representatives to the GNC for GNC approval: it’s a good division of labor and decentralization, with IC providing candidates based on backgrounds, skills, etc, and the GNC approving them.

Mike stated that granting the power of the IC to select reps must be in their mission statement, not P&Ps.

It was also noted that the proposal requested a 2/3 approval threshold, but that rules-related proposals require only 50%+1. After some discussion, the SC agreed to go to a back–up vote to decide whether to change the aproval threshold.

1 – VOTE on Approval of Craig’s findings on the IC proposal:
Mike – Yes
David – No
Jeff – Abstain
Julie – Yes
Jason – No
Farheen – No
Theresa – No
Craig – Yes
Holly – No

REJECTED, 5 NO, 3 Yes, 1 Abstain. Proposal will go to the voting queue
Farheen will be floor manager. David recommended an extra week discussion. AGREED

Mike – No
David – No
Jeff – Abstain
Julie – No
Jason – Yes
Farheen – Yes
Theresa – Yes
Craig – No
Holly – Yes

4 Yes, 4 No, 1 Abstain. APPROVAL THRESHOLD remains at 2/3

b. GPVA Mission Statement
Craig will be floor manager
SC approved sending this to the voting queue tomorrow, not waiting the usual week.

c. FinCom: Fiscal Policy (latest update will be forwarded from Jeff)

Jeff said he was frustrated with work on the document. Jeff had taken up some concerns, but the FinCom has not yet voted on content to change the draft. Jeff stated he had received numerous emails, he had been “out-politicked,” didn’t like doing things that way, but it seems this will go forward.

Mike stated the FinCom had approved the draft; he has already loaded the draft into the voting page so it can go out tomorrow. Mike said that, per our rules, there is no choice but to send this forward, they can be amended during the discussion period.

David, SC liaison and co-chair of the FinCom, went over what discussion had taken place on FinCom. He said that there had been willingness to consider concerns. David asked what the harm would be in trying to force this through, why the FinCom would not be willing to address issues raised. He stated we should allow this to be completed by FinCom, until we have greater unanimity on FinCom. He said it was agreed on the last FinCom call there were some things Jeff would add. Two members were upset that the proposal did not go forward. Others were willing to continue work, but scheduling didn’t synchronize. It seems that since everyone was booked, there needs to be more time. It was agreed by all on the call that the concerns would be incorporated into the document on the call. He believes the FinCom should have time to finish the work. If there is some domino effect that will harm another issue, he would propose sending it to the voting queue now; otherwise, [propose] that the FinCom take time to finalize ay amendments.

Jody Grage came on the call. She stated that the FinCom affirmed that my new material be included in the document, not amended during discussion. However, they had not had a chance to review and no decisions had been made to make any amendments. FinCom decided to consider amendments during the discussion phase. David pointed out that the FinCom had not made any agreement to amend this during the discussion phase.

VOTE on whether to send this back to FinCom for more time to finish.
Mike – No
David – Abstain
Jeff – No
Julie – No
Jason – Yes
Farheen – Yes
Theresa – Abstain
Craig – No
Holly – Yes

REJECTED – 4 No, 3 Yes, 2 Abstain. The proposal will go to the voting queue tomorrow. David will be floor manager.

IV. REPORT on request for approval for use of GPUS logo for app.

Hearst Digital Media is interested in acquiring a high res image of the attached logo for an iPad app that Esquire is developing. We are developing a trivia based puzzle app for the iPad and would like to use the logo for a question. This app is being sold for a fee (price still being determined) so it is a commercial use.

Because we needed to respond quickly (a response having been due the previous week), they phoned the secretary,contacted all SC members. 8 responded, 7 in favor of granting permission.

a. DISCUSSION or PROPOSAL – To hire an Accountant – David
David wrote: “It was raised in the fin com that when Jeff assumed the position of treasurer this summer there was general agreement that we would be looking to hire an accountant by the new year. Obviously if we are going to hire an accountant by the new year the process would have to be underway. Questions raised in fincom were whether a job description needed to be drafted to specify duties or if it would be better to have an accountant on an engagement agreement. Decision was to defer to preferences of SC.

“I guess the proposal is to hire an accountant without further specfics as to the details but to begin the discussion so the details can be arrived at and the hiring process begun post haste.”

Jeff stated we need to keep a general ledger, proper accounting of income and expense. This is going to become more complex, we need a professional, and not office staff or volunteers. We will need an accountant by February 1, 2011. FinCom could work on a job description.

Jody stated that FinCom believes this is important, she asks that the job be clear as to what the accountant will do.

Julie asked how many hours a week this would involve Jeff replied that this involves “deliverables.” David said a contractor would have an idea how many hours would be spent, will vary from month to month. We should get an idea of what a fair price is and have an open hiring process.

SC AGREED to have FinCom work on a job description.

b. PROPOSAL – Add to our personnel manual’s EEOC statement: “gender identity, charatceristics and/or expression? This covers all “gender-different” individuals. It will also bring us current with DC law.

David will send working to the SC. SC will take up approval on the next call (next Sunday).

Question on whether our insurance has “trans” exclusion. SC AGREED to have David sent the staff health insurance policy for his review.


Mike has submitted 3 proposals for SC approval to go to the voting queue tomorrow. Several members of the SC have not read them, yet.

Jeff suggested, since the call has gone on for 3 hours, we end the call now and take these up next week he has not had a chance to read these. Some material hasn’t been added by FinCom, yet.

These are background with no actual budget numbers, doesn’t make sense. Mike asked to vote on each.

Mike stated this simply re-iterated what FinCom had already done adn past statements. Theresa stated that pushing the statements through this is disrespectful of the NC and SC; Julie and Mike felt not putting out the proposals and budget was disrespectful to the GNC.

a. PROPOSAL: SC Approval of GPUS 2010 Budget – Case Statement –

Proposal: To approve the following 2011 GPUS Budget Case Statement for submittal to the National Committee on Monday, November 15th as part of the budget documents required for the annual budget process.

Where possible amendments are asked to be submitted to the SC email list before the meeting of 11/14 so the wiki can be updated and a revised version present to the SC.

See Notes, *A, below (next message).

VOTE on Approval to the above to go to the GNC voting queue

Holly – No
Craig – Yes
Mike – Yes
Jeff – No
Julie – Yes
Theresa – No
David – Abstain
Jason – not on call
Farheen – not call

FAILED, 3 Yes, 3 No, 1 Abstain; proposal will not go to the voting queue tomorrow.


b. PROPOSAL: SC Approval of GPUS 2011 Budget – Income Narrative – Mike 20 minutes
Proposal: To approve the following 2011 GPUS Budget Income Narrative for submittal to the National Committee on Monday, November 15th as part of the budget documents required for the annual budget process.

Where possible amendments are asked to be submitted to the SC wiki or the SC email list before the SC meeting of 11/14 so the wiki can be updated and a revised version presented to the SC.

See Notes, *B, below (next message).

VOTE on Income Narrative to go out to the voting queue tomorrow

Holly – No
Craig – Yes
Mike – Yes
Jeff – No
Julie – Yes
Theresa – No
David – Abstain
Jason – not here
Farheen – not on call

FAILED, 3 Yes, 3 No, 1 Abstain; proposal will not go to the voting queue tomorrow.

c. PROPOSAL: SC Approval of 2011 GPUS Budget Expense Narrative for submittal to the National Committee on Monday, November 15th as part of the budget documents required for the annual budget process.

Where possible amendments are asked to be submitted to the SC wiki or the SC email list before the SC meeting of 11/14 so the wiki can be updated and a revised version presented to the SC.

See Notes, *C, below (next message).

VOTE on Approval of Expense Narrative for the voting queue to go out tomorrow.

Holly – No
Craig – Yes
Mike – Yes
Jeff – No
Julie – Yes
Theresa – No
David – Abstain
Jason – not here
Farheen – not here

FAILED, 3 Yes, 3 No, 1 Abstain; proposal will not go to the voting queue tomorrow

Mike – Results of SC Green Papers appointment. There was a tie, and the software randomly breaks the tie.
Cecile Lawrence
Sandy Stiassni and Sanda Everrette tied. The machine chose Sanda.

November 14, 2010
Holly Hart
Secretary, GPUS

NEXT CALL: Sunday, November 21, 2010; 8:00 p.m. EST
This call will focus on budget and finance; will also include consideration of the EEOC language amendment to our personnel manual.