What Are We Celebrating on the Fourth of July?
By Robert Jensen and Rahul Mahajan
Originally published at: http://historynewsnetwork.org/.
In 1776 American colonists fought for freedom
against a mighty empire, an act of self-determination we still
celebrate on the Fourth of July. But we also use the Fourth to
maintain a mythology about our role in the world that, while mostly
true in 1776, is wholly false 226 years later.
In 2002, we are the empire.
If the Fourth of July is to continue to have any meaning, we must
transform it into a celebration of values that are truly universal, by
making it a celebration of the right of self-determination of all
peoples rather than another occasion to invoke a mythology that masks
our true role in the world today.
To do so requires that we come to terms with a basic fact -- from the
time the United States had amassed enough power to do so, it began
limiting the self-determination of others.
The methods of U.S. policymakers have evolved over time, but the
underlying logic remains the same: The United States claims a special
right to appropriate the resources of all the earth by military force
or economic coercion so it can consume five times its share per capita
of those resources, ignoring international law along the way.
It is that tragic reality, as well as the noble ideal, that U.S.
citizens have an obligation to wrestle with on any Fourth of July, and
especially now as our government continues to extend its power and
domination in a so-called war on terrorism.
The Spanish-American War of 1898 is usually taken as a pivotal event
in the American imperial project. While some Americans are aware that
we ruled the Philippines for some time, few realize that we waged a
brutal war against Filipinos, who believed that their liberation from
Spain should have meant real liberation, including independence from
American rule. Thousands of Filipinos were killed by American troops.
Into the next century, the United States applied the same rules to
attempts at self-determination in Latin America, routinely
manipulating the politics of, plotting coups in, or invading countries
such as Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Mexico, and Haiti.
Self-determination was fine, so long as the results were in line with
the interests of U.S. business. Otherwise, call in the Marines.
The many contradictions of the American project are, of course, no
secret. Even most schoolchildren know that the man who wrote the
Declaration of Independence and proclaimed that "all men are
created equal" also owned slaves, and it is impossible to avoid
the fact that the land base of the United States was acquired in the
course of the almost-complete extermination of indigenous people. We
know women didn't win the right to vote until 1920, and that formal
political equality for blacks was achieved only in our lifetime.
While many Americans have trouble coming to terms with that ugly
history, most can acknowledge it -- so long as the gaps between stated
ideals and actual practices are seen as history, problems we have
Likewise, some will say that kind of grotesque imperial aggression
also is safely in the past. Unfortunately, this isn't ancient history;
it is also the story of the post-World War II period -- U.S. sponsored
coups in Guatemala and Iran in the 1950s, the undermining of the
Geneva agreements in the late 1950s and invasion of South Vietnam in
the 1960s to prevent an independent socialist government, support for
the terrorist Contra army in the 1980s until the Nicaraguan people
finally voted the way the United States preferred.
OK, some will admit, even our recent history is not so pretty. But
certainly in the 1990s, after the fall of the Soviet Union, we changed
course. But again, the methods change and the game remains the same.
Take the recent case of Venezuela, where United States involvement in
the attempted coup is clear. The National Endowment for Democracy -- a
private nonprofit front organization for the State Department already
implicated in the use of money to sway elections (in Chile in 1988,
Nicaragua in 1989, and Yugoslavia in 2000) -- gave $877,000 in the
past year to forces opposed to Hugo Chavez, whose populist policies
had won him widespread backing among the country's poor and the ire of
the United States. More than $150,000 of that went to Carlos Ortega,
leader of the corrupt Confederation of Venezuelan Workers, who worked
closely with coup leader Pedro Carmona Estanga.
Bush administration officials had met with disgruntled Venezuelan
generals and businessmen in Washington in the weeks preceding the
coup, and Bush's Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere
affairs, Otto Reich, was reported to have been in contact with the
civilian head of the junta on the day of the coup. When Venezuelans
took to the streets in defense of their popular president and Chavez
was restored to power, U.S. officials grudgingly acknowledged that he
was freely elected (with 62 percent of the vote), although one told a
reporter that "legitimacy is something that is conferred not just
by a majority of the voters."
Beyond military and diplomatic interventions, there is economic
coercion. Among the most visible in the past two decades has been the
use of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund to ensnare
countries of the Global South in a "debt trap," in which the
countries can't keep up with the interest payments. Then comes the
structural adjustment programs -- cutting government salaries and
spending for services such as health care, imposing user fees for
education, and re-orienting industry to production for export. These
programs give First World banks more power over these countries'
policies than the elected governments. "Free trade"
agreements have much the same effect, using the threat of exclusion
from the world economic system to force other governments to stop
providing cheap medicine to their people, limit their control over
corporations, and give up the basic rights of the people to determine
policy. The recent G8 decision to use aid to force African nations to
privatize water is simply the latest offensive.
So, this Fourth of July, we believe talk of self-determination has
never been more important. But if the concept is to mean anything, it
must mean that people in other countries are truly free to shape their
own destinies.
And in another sense, it is a reminder that U.S. citizens have rights
of self-determination themselves. It is true that our government
responds mostly to the demands of concentrated wealth and power; it
may seem that Washington calls the shots, but the game is directed
from Wall Street. But it also is true that ordinary people have
unparalleled political and expressive freedom in this country. And as
that Declaration we celebrate reminds us, "whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the
People to alter or to abolish it."
If we don't rethink the Fourth -- if it continues to be a day for
unbridled assertion of American exceptionalism -- it will inevitably
be nothing more than a destructive force that encourages blind support
for war, global inequality, and international power politics.
Robert Jensen is Associate Professor of Journalism at the
University of Texas at Austin, and is the author of Writing Dissent:
Taking Radical Ideas from the Margins to the Mainstream. Rahul
Mahajan, Green Party candidate for governor of Texas, is the author of
The New Crusade: America's War on Terrorism."
Robert Jensen may be reached at rjensen@uts.cc.utexas.edu.
Rahul Mahajan may be reached at rahul@tao.ca. Other articles are
available at http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~rjensen/home.htm
and http://www.rahulmahajan.com.
This article is the work of the authors only and does not
necessarily reflect the views of the Green Party of the United
States. If you wish to send a message to the editors regarding
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