Most Green Officeholders 'Ever' -
Thanks to Recent Victories in Wisconsin and Illinois!
The Green Party now has 230 officeholders, the most ever thanks to
elections this month in Wisconsin and Illinois.
In Wisconsin, seven out of fourteen Green Party candidates won election
on April 3, bringing the total of Wisconsin Green elected officials to
Pete Karas, endorsed by the Kenosha/Racine Green Party, won re-election
in a tight race for alderperson in District 9 of the Racine Common
Four out of five Green women candidates, all endorsed by Four Lakes
Green Party, won seats on the Madison Common Council. Brenda Konkel,
who ran unopposed for re-election, Satya Rhodes-Conway, Robbie Webber,
and Marsha Rummel were all victorious on April 3rd. "The Madison's
sixth district overwhelmingly showed support for progressive and green
values, said Rummel. "I'm honored and look forward to serving the next
2 years. My priorities are affordable housing, water quality, jobs that
support families, and government that supports the people."
Tony Palmeri, endorsed by the Lake Winnebago Green Party, came in
second out of 6 candidates running for 3 seats, earning a place on the
Oshkosh Common Council. "This is a victory for the Green agenda - open
government, and social and economic justice, which were the themes of
my campaign", said Palmeri. "Oshkosh voters made it clear they want a
progressive, forward looking council."
Amy Heart, endorsed by the Portage County Green Party, won her race for Stevens Point Common Council.
In Illinois, three out of six Illinois Green Party members were
elected on April 17th, Robert Braam was elected as Trustee of the
Manhattan Public Library District, receiving 107 votes as a write-in.
Kris Campbell won reelection to the Poplar Grove Village Trustee. With
340 votes (20%), Campbell was second in a six-way race for three seats.
Carol Larson earned 3,370 votes (53.74%) and was the top vote-getter
for three seats on the Oak Lawn-Hometown School Board. Larson and Braam
join Campbell, Dale Bowen (Winnebago Public Library Trustee), Jim Long
(Kirby Park School Board) and Jon Murray (Mt. Morris Village Trustee)
on the list of Illinois Green Party elected officials.
So far this year, the Green Party has elected fourteen
officeholders, bringing our total number of officeholders to 230, the
most in Green Party history.
Greens Call for Efforts to Curb Global Warming
Green Party leaders, are in favor of a massive conversion of the US
economic system to curb the threat of global warming in the coming
decades. You can read the Green Party press release here.
Greens can help stop the privatization of our water
All across the United States, municipal water systems are being
bought up by multinational corporations, turning one of our last
remaining public commons and our most vital resource into a commodity.
The road to privatization is being paved by our own government. The
Bush administration is actively working to loosen the hold that cities
and towns have over public water, enabling corporations to own the very
thing we depend on for survival.
Read the rest of the story at AlterNet,
Fighting the Corporate Theft of Our Water
By Tara Lohan,
Posted on April 25, 2007, Printed on April 27, 2007.
Greens Get Ready for May 1st
Electing Renee will help push the pro-corporate City Council to
really examine the issues that affect working-class District families
in Ward 4 and throughout this fine City. She is tired of the massive
gentrification being tauted as the way forward. We need community level
development with an eye for sustainability and accountability.
She will take her years of service as ANC Commissioner, political
activist, and union member to provide a much needed ethical and
progressive voice in District politics. For more information go to |
Mayor Jason West drew worldwide attention in 2004 when he took the
courageous stand of marrying same sex couples in New Paltz, NY. Under
West's tenure as Mayor, New Paltz is a leading the way in developing
renewable energy resources and affordable housing programs for the city
and is setting an example for new progressive leadership at the
municipal level. Help reelect Jason on May 1st. For more information go
to |
Maryland Greens help Pass Paper Ballot Bill
'A Victory for Democracy'
69% of Maryland voters support a paper trail for elections. Thanks
to the efforts of, founded by Maryland Green Party
member and candidate Linda Schade, the Maryland Green Party, and others
the MD State Legislature listened. On April 10 the Maryland House and
Senate unanimously passed bill SB392/HB18 requiring a voter verified
paper trail by 2010. " was founded four years ago in
order to create elections that voters in Maryland could trust," said
Linda Schade, "I'm pleased that we've made significant progress
The final bill ensures that any new voting system certified for use
must include a voter verified paper record. The bill requires an
optically scannable paper ballot marked by hand or with the help of a
ballot marking device. The final bill also ensures that disabled voters
will be able to vote independently and privately. The bill is expected
to save Maryland taxpayer money as studies have shown that operating
costs for optical scanning equipment are 30% to 40% lower than the cost
of Maryland's current touch screen machines.
Maryland Green Tim Willard presented testimony in support of the
bill stating "A paper trail would allow for a meaningful recount in the
event of local elections or in the event of votes lost by the machines
or the cards that record the votes. Several recent elections have ended
in controversy when close votes could not be recounted or alleged
irregularities checked. Without a paper trail, these problems are
impossible to resolve".
The Maryland Green Party lobbied in support of the Paper Ballot Bill
as part of their legislative agenda. For more information on check out:
The Maryland Legislature also passed the nation's first statewide
Living Wage bill on the same day. The Green Party of the United States
advocates for access to Living Wage Jobs for all.
Plan to attend:
Please visit the online registration store to register for the
national meeting (to be held in Reading, Pa. on July 12-15) and
purchase meals and event passes. You can click here to register.
We're meeting at the Abraham Lincoln Wyndham Hotel. Don't forget you'll need to mention that you are attending the Green
Party meeting when you make your reservations. Or, you can place the
following code into the Group Code box when making your online
reservations: 0712823PA.
Please visit for
details about directions, local shops, restaurants and other
attractions in the Reading, PA area. This website was established by
the Berks County Green Party for the national meeting.
Green Party Animal Mascot???
Forget Republican elephants and Democrat donkeys it's time we have our
own animal mascot to represent the Greens! The Animal Mascot will not
replace either the Sunflower nor the Earthflower symbols but rather be
an addition to them. The Green Party will elect it's Green Party Animal
Mascot in 2007. The nominations process is open to all Greens. If you
have not done so already, please email your nomination for the Green
Party Mascot to mascot@gp.organd
help spread the word.
Green Party Initiates Impeachment
The Geen Party has been opposed to the war in Iraq from
before it started and we have called for impeachment almost as
long. You can now sign the recently created Green Party
Petition to Impeach Bush and Cheney here.
Please go here to write
your congress person or local newspaper using the Green Party
automated system. |
Register Green. Vote Green. Give Green.
The Green Party does not accept corporate
donations. We depend entirely on donations from people who are
committed to building a powerful and progressive alternative to the
two corporate parties.
We ask you to challenge corporate influence in
politics by supporting the Green Party of the United States! Show
your resistance to the status quo by enabling us to continue
organizing and mobilizing for real change. Please help us get out
our positive, progressive values to new communities, and to deepen
our involvement where we're already anchored.
us today and please consider becoming a sustainer (look for
the recurring donation option).
Green Party online shopping just got easier! Visit
our improved online
Americans are ready for Change
America is ready for the Green Party's message. But we need
your help in bringing the message to the American people!
Donate now to the Green Party
The latest, coolest item in the wallets of
progressives is the personalized Green Party Card. For $36.00 a year* you can be a card-carrying Green. When
you become an active supporter of the Green Party of the
United States, you'll receive our spanking-new card, which
shows the world that you stand committed to time-honored
progressive values like liberty, equality, democracy, social
justice, personal responsibility and focus on the future. In
addition, you will receive a Green Party button and bumper
sticker, a one-year subscription to Green Pages, plus all of
the information you need to get involved and active as a
Green. Half of your contribution will be shared with your
state's Green Party. The Future is Green!
Order Your Green
Party Card Online Today
Federal law requires
political committees to use their best effort to collect and
report the name, mailing address, occupation and employer for
each individual whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar
year. Contributions form the following individuals and
entities are prohibited: corporations, labor organizations,
national banks, government contractors, people under 18 years
of age, and foreign nationals.
*$36.00 is roughly equivalent to the $1.00
paid for a one-year membership in the Populist Party of the
1890s. The Populist Party was a multiracial, progressive,
grassroots third party of working people which agitated for
many popular progressive reforms. The Green Party of the 21st
century continues the Populist's fight for citizen empowerment
and progressive reforms at all levels
today. |
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