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Green Candidates to Watch in 2013 Spring Elections
2013 is an off-year for federal campaigns, but local and state Green Parties are always working to promote candidates for local and special elections.
In Chicago, a special election for House of Representatives will be held April 9th. LeAlan Jones is the Green Party's nominee for this race. In 1993, 13-year-old LeAlan Jones won worldwide acclaim for his documentary "Ghetto Life 101." His follow-up documentary work earned him a Peabody Award. In 2010 he was the Green Party's nominee for U.S. Senate in Illinois. Click here to see a video profile of LeAlan's run for Congress.
Perry Redd is the DC Statehood Green Party's nominee in a special election for the DC City Council on April 23. In a nonpartisan race for an at-large seat, Perry is competing against six Democrats and one Republican. In the nation's capital, the Statehood Green Party frequently wins more votes than the Republican Party.
Greens across the country are also working to build strong campaigns for elections this fall. Seven Green Party members are running in Ohio this November, and two long-time incumbents are running for re-election in Minneapolis - Cam Gordon for City Council and Annie Young for Park Commissioner.
The Green Party continues to build resources to help run strong campaigns on all levels. The party's Coordinated Campaign Committee is organizing a series of campaign training webinars.
Please support the Green Party as we continue to develop new resources for running strong campaigns for local, state, and federal office. Thank you for your votes and your support!
Stein Campaign Continues to Build the Green Party with Campaign Schools
Staff and volunteers from the Jill Stein campaign are continuing their efforts to build strong local and state Green campaigns by hosting a series of Green campaign schools across the country. Upcoming schools are planned for Portland (OR), New York City, and San Antonio, TX.
Click here for more information on attending one of these campaign training events.