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Archive: Stop the FTAA in Miami Update (2003)

The national Green Party's International Committee (represented by Alan Kobrin, Tony Affigne, Annie Goeke, Jim Polk, Brian Lutenegger, Alan Kaufman) has been working with the Miami-Dade Green Party to organize Green participation in the Miami mobilization, concurrent with the FTAA Ministerial in Miami, on November 20. Our Green FTAA planning group, including the International Committee, Campus Greens, Miami-Dade Greens and others, has been holding weekly teleconferences.

Plans are underway for Green representatives to participate on anti-FTAA panels and workshops, concerning the privatization of water, and the Global Greens' support for the anti-corporate globalization movement; there will also be a Green Party press conference. We expect at least one  Green to be a speaker at the major rally on November 20, co-sponsored by the national AFL-CIO and the Citizens Trade Campaign.

WE ARE WORKING TO MAXIMIZE THE IMPACT OF GREEN PARTICIPATION IN THE PROTESTS AGAINST THE FTAA. For example, we have agreed to purchase a significant number of green "banners," under which we can march. These banners will heighten the visibility of Greens at the protest, raise the spirits of Greens who have come from around the country to protest, and inform our allies in the anti-FTAA struggle of the significant contribution Greens continue to make in this effort. Considerable effort has also been made, both in Miami and around the nation, to deepen the contact between the Green Party and others opposed to the FTAA.

At the International Committee's request, the Steering Committee on October 2 authorized a national Green Party endorsement of the "FTAA Call to Action." National Co-Chair Ben Manski is coordinating additional endorsements by state Green parties, 23 of which have already signed on. We encourage all Green parties which have not already done so, to endorse the FTAA Call to Action -- as soon as possible! More information is available on the USGP website:

... where you'll also find the complete current list of Green endorsements, from state and local Green parties across the country.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! There is, of course, much more we could say. For now, we urge you to make a concrete, material effort to assist our colleagues in Florida. See you in Miami!

For a Green future,
The Green/FTAA Planning Committee

Alan Kobrin
Steve Showen
Annie Goeke
Jim Polk
Ben Manski
Alan Kaufman
Medea Benjamin
Brian Lutenegger
Scott McLarty
Tony Affigne
Brian Sandberg
Adam Eidinger
Steve Eisenmenger
Sean Sellers
Mike Elder
Brian Keaney

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"The Green Party is no longer the alternative, the Green Party is the imperative"

~ Rosa Clemente