Green Party Networks:
Green Officeholders Network |
The purpose of the Green Officeholders Network is to bring Greens holding elective office and the State Green Parties closer; and to foster the interconnection of the Green officeholders themselves, with GPUS staff support.
The purpose of the email list of the Green Officeholders Network is to network present and past Greens holding elected office.
If you are a Green holding elected office and would like to join, please contact the GPUS Executive Director.
Second Conference of Green Officeholders, February 2003
Greens come to Santa Monica to share experiences and form National
Network, Change Links, Los Angeles.
Greens Discuss Growth. The LookOut. Santa Monica.
Second Conference of U.S. Green Officeholders (24:05)
Santa Monica, CA February 21-23, 2003
Jeff Sklar, Rent Control Board, Santa
Monica, CA
Genevieve Bertone , Sustainable City Task Force, Santa Monica, CA
Iris Oliveras, Architectural Review Board, Santa Monica, CA
Lotta Hedstrom, Swedish Parliament
John Halle, Board of Alderman, New Haven, CT
Sarah Lipson, Board of Education, San Francisco, CA
Brenda Konkel ,Common Council, Madison, WI
Bill Meyers, Board of Education, Point Arena, CA
Jan Williamson, Arts Commission, Santa Monica, CA
Lori Nafshun, Recreation & Parks Commission, Santa
Monica, CA
A Perspective on the Green Party's Elected Officials (27:00)
Santa Monica, CA February 21, 2003 Green Party elected
officials interviewed by Southern California Public Affairs Host Bill Rosendahl,
on the eve of the Second Conference of Green Officeholders in the U.S.
(in Santa Monica, CA)
Matt Gonzalez, President of the San Francisco Board
of Supervisors
Julie Jacobsen, Hawai'i County Councilmember
Annie Young, Minneapolis Recreation & Park Commissioner
Mark Sanchez, San Francisco Board of Education
Mike Feinstein, Santa Monica City Councilmember
First Conference of Green Officeholders, February 1998
Party Meets in Santa Monica. By
Mary Moore, The LookOut. Santa Monica
Additional Green Officeholder Videos
VIDEO: John Eder, Green member of Maine
State House (2002-2006) Part
One (26:42) | Part
Two (32:47)
Two part presentation by Eder about his experiences running for and serving in office. Eder spoke at the 2005 annual national meeting of the Green Party of the United States, at a workshop of the Coordinated Campaign Committee, July 28th, 2005, in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Matt Gonzalez President of San Francisco Board of Supervisors
speaks to convention delegates (10:22) Green
Party 2004 Convention.
VIDEO: Jason
West (Mayor, New Paltz, NY) and Scott McClarty (Media
Committee Coordinator, Green Party of the United States) speak to convention
delegates (7:57), Green Party 2004 Convention.
VIDEO: Wisconsin Greens George Martin (state party co-chair) and Brian
Benford (City Council member, Madison) are joined by Frank
Zeidler (former Socialist Mayor) to welcome convention delegates (12:02), Green
Party 2004 Convention.
Green Party Officeholders Forum 1997 (36:01)
Green City Council members speak at forum in Berkeley,
California 1997.
Mike Feinstein (Santa Monica)
Jennifer Hanan (Arcata)
Jason Kirkpatrick (Arcata)
Bruce Mast (Albany)
Bob Ornelas (Arcata)
Dona Spring (Berkeley)