Global Greens Action Proposal - April, 2001
At its statewide meeting on March 3, 2001 the
Green Party of Rhode Island voted to endorse the following resolution,
which is to be presented to the Global Greens 2001 conference in
Canberra, Australia, on April 15, 2001.
The resolution calls for the creation of an international group, made
up of representatives of national Green parties, to plan and propose a
coordinated day of global action by all the world's Green
THE GREEN PARTY OF RHODE ISLAND hereby requests that this resolution
be endorsed by the Coordinating Committee of the Association of State
Green Parties, so that U.S. delegates to Global Greens 2001 can work
for the resolution's passage, with the full support of the Green
parties of the United States.
Global Greens 2001 - Canberra, Australia - 15 April 2001
Bearing in mind that much progress has taken place in recent years to
bring Green Parties in closer communication, and Noting that visible,
concerted global actions of Green Parties would be an effective tool
for mobilizing greater support for our principles in all countries, Be
it resolved, that member parties of the Global Greens will undertake
the following steps in the next six months:
a. Form an Action Planning Network, constituted of voluntary
representatives from each interested national Green party.
b. Aside from sharing regular information, this Action Planning
Network would be tasked to identify possible global actions to be
undertaken by members of national parties, world-wide, on one specific
c. By or before October 15, 2001, this Action Planning Network would
be ready to recommend one or several specific global actions to be
undertaken by members of national parties, world-wide. Such actions
would be designed around issues of global importance but could also
could support the plans of continental federations.
Written by: Raphaël Thierrin (International Secretary, Green Party of
Canada) and Tony Affigne (International Committee, Association of
State Green Parties-United States)