Statement on McKinney/Leach Bill
ASGP Delegates,
We have finally reached quorum on the proposal from the Pacific Party
regarding the McKinney Leach Bill. Because Tom Sevigny has been
conducting this vote and his computer is down for a long period of
time (and may not be up for a week or two), I do not have the exact
vote count and would rather not make an estimate. Tom can report on
the details when he is back on line. I have included the text of the
proposal below.
Dean Myerson,
ASGP Secretary
Resolved: The ASGP hereby endorses HR 2789, known as the McKinney
Leach Bill. The bill will save taxpayers money, reduce the deficit,
cut corporate welfare, and protect and restore America's natural
heritage by eliminating the fiscal wasteful and ecologically
destructive commercial logging on Federal public lands and will
facilitate the economic recovery and diversification of communities
dependent on the Federal logging program.
The ASGP strongly believes that the provisions of the bill which will
provide transition funding for logging dependent communities are
Such communities, through no fault of their own,
are dependent on the logging industry to maintain the quality of their
lives. These communities will need assistance to ensure the well being
of their citizens. It is totally appropriate and necessary that the
transitional funding be provided to them from the subsidies that are
presently provided to the logging industry.