Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space Statement - December, 1998
ASGP Delegates,
With no amendments or unresolved questions, we are now ready to vote
on the proposal from the Connecticut Green Party regarding cooperation
with The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space.
The voting period is three weeks, so the deadline for your vote is
October 29. Please send in your vote, even if you already said you
supported this proposal earlier on.
Dean Myerson,
ASGP Secretary
The Green Party of Connecticut proposes--
1) The ASGP will respond to Dr. Helen Caldicott <hcaldic@ibm.net>,
Dr. Michio Kaku, David McReynolds and the War Resister's League, and
The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space <globenet@afn.org>
of ASGP's decision to join Global Network as an endorser of the call
to action, and to lend the ASGP name to the publicity as an endorsor
of the April 14-17, 20000 events;
2) The ASGP will publicize the events in newsletter and email
correspondence to our member states;
3) The ASGP will issue a press release and a position statement about
our position against militarization of space in general, and against
the Ballistic Missile Defense (BMD) system, specifically;
4) The ASGP will encourage member states to also endorse, publicize
and participate; and
5) The ASGP will encourage each member state to send at least one
representative to the events.
6) The ASGP will send at least one official representative from the
ASGP International Committee, who will participate in the events of
April 14th to April 17, 2000 as delineated:
FRIDAY, APRIL 14: A non-violent rally on the steps of the Treasury
Department to illustrate the enormous waste of our tax-dollars on Star
Wars. To date over $100 billion has been spent on space weapons
development while social spending is under relentless attack.
Following the rally a "No BMD, No Star Wars" message will be
delivered to Clinton at the White House.
SATURDAY, APRIL 15: "Star Wars Revisited: An International
Conference on Preventing an Arms Race In Space". This day long
event will focus on sharing information about the latest developments
in the U.S. plan to become the "Master of Space". Leaders in
the international movement to keep space for peace will be the
featured speakers.
SUNDAY, APRIL 16: Training on Lobbying Congress in the morning;
Afternoon meeting of the Global Network to plan international
strategies to "Stop Star Wars".
MONDAY, APRIL 17: Lobby Day: Give Congress the message about our
growing international movement to prevent a new arms race in space.
Representatives of peace groups around the world will hold a DAY LONG
VIGIL on the Capitol steps.