Impeachment proposal passed at Green Party National Meeting, July 2003.

PRESENTER: Green Party of New York State, Wisconsin Green Party

Elizabeth Shanklin, GPNYS, 917-270-6381, 
Ben Manski, WIGP, 608-239-6915,

PROPOSAL: The Green Party of the United States shall join the movement to impeach the President by

1. Issuing a statement calling upon the Congress of the United States to initiate impeachment proceedings against George W. Bush for high crimes and misdemeanors. These include:

A. A pattern of making false statement to Congress, the American people and the world to win support for action by the American government and military forces in violation of national and international law;

B. Squandering the resources of the American people to serve the interests of transnational corporations;

C. Commission of various war crimes including the use of depleted uranium, cluster bombs and the assassination of journalists.

2. Constituting a subcommittee of the Peace Action Committee to plan and to coordinate activities within the Green Party of the United States and with other organizations working for the impeachment of George W. Bush.

Office: PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 
Email: 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN