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The Association of State Green Parties Media Advisory: The Global Greens Conference begins in Canberra, Australia, as Greens prepare to join the FTAA protests in Quebec. Friday, April 13, 2001 |
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In the U.S. and internationally, the Greens emerge as the organized political force in the resistance against globalization's threat to democracy and the environment. Global Greens 2001 Conference: http://www.global.greens.org.au/ WASHINGTON, D.C. -- American Green leaders are heading to Canberra, Australia for the Global Greens 2001 Conference, April 14 through 16. The conference has been organized by the Asia-Pacific Greens Network, the European Federation of Green Parties, the African Federation of Green Parties and the Federacion de Partidos Verdes de las Americas. Meanwhile, Greens from across the U.S. prepare to participate in the protests against the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA) summit, scheduled for April 20 through 22, scheduling bus rides and caravans to Quebec and working with anti-globalization coalitions in towns, cities, and states across the U.S. The host of the Global Greens 2001 Conference, Australian Greens Senator Bob Brown, said he expects 700 people from more than 70 countries to attend, including many from incipient Green Parties from Asia and the Pacific: Tonga, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Korea, and Taiwan. Japan is sending a 40 member group. The meeting features presentations and workshops on globalization, genetic engineering, nuclear power, worldwide climate change, and the alternatives to all these, especially sustainable economic systems and energy sources not based on fossil fuels. The conference will also draft a Global Green Charter (http://www.global.greens.org.au/Charter.html). "The major topic of course is global warming and the Bush Administration's decision to pull out," noted Annie Goeke, one of three co-chairs of the Association of State Green Parties (ASGP) in the U.S. "The Greens worldwide are thinking of initiating a global green action to boycott U.S. oil goods which will be proposed at our Global Green Conference. This conference certainly marks the historical beginning for us to become a global political force that is so needed to change the direction of the existing global force of corporations dominance over the planet!" At least fifteen ASGP organizers and Greens from all across the United States will travel to Canberra to participate. The U.S. will have three delegates: Mike Feinstein, John Rensenbrink, and Ms. Goeke. The alternates are Tony Affigne and Tod Sloan. Theresa Amato, campaign manager for Ralph Nader, will also attend. The Green Party, in the U.S. and internationally, has emerged as the organized political resistance to the anti-democratic concentration of economic and political power represented by the FTAA, the World Trade Organization, the North American Free Trade Agreement, and other international pacts. The bureaucracies enacted under these pacts seek to open unrestricted global markets and subvert national and local environmental, human rights, and labor protections, for the benefit of corporate profit and power. Alternative media such as the Multinational Monitor (http://www.essential.org/monitor/monitor.html) have documented the ways corporations have, under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA, the model for FTAA), either nullified democratically enacted protections or won millions of dollars in taxpayers' money by suing governments for infringement of their "investors rights" when such protections are enforced. "Our world is increasingly controlled by corporate decisions, including foreign policy," said ASGP media coordinator Nancy Allen. "We need a Green politics to emphasize the environment , democracy, and human rights." Background commentary: GloboCorp versus We The People Greens recognize that this challenge represents a new global conflict superseding the 20th century competition between western capitalism and bureaucratic socialism (Soviet-style communism). Nation-states have grown inferior in power and wealth in comparison to global corporations, which have drawn unprecedented strength from technology's rapid transfer of capital and information, their control over media, and international pacts like the FTAA. In the Cold War paradigm, China and western capitalism
were irreconcilable enemies. In the new conflict, global corporate
capitalism stands ready to embrace China as a market of over a billion
consumers and a source of cheap labor. Hence the quick and necessary resolution to the American spy-plane incident: the U.S. and China couldn't let a squabble over espionage (a relic of the nation-state era) come between eager trading partners. The new conflict is evident in countless major news stories and economic trends:
OUT: Democratic vs. Republican IN: Bipartisan vs.
Green The Democratic Party of Clinton, Gore, and Lieberman offers scant opposition, having abandoned traditional party positions in support of the social safety net pledges of the New Deal and Great Society and national health insurance. President Clinton initiated training in military tactics for domestic police forces, increased domestic surveillance, and scaled back habeas corpus protections -- all of which weakened the free speech of protesters at the WTO summit in Seattle, the World Bank and IMF meetings in Washington, the Democratic and Republican national conventions in 2000, and other exclusive events at which global public policy gets negotiated. That leaves the Green Party as the sole political force with serious electoral ambitions that's willing to defend human rights, freedoms, and democracy, economic and social justice, and the health of the environment against the conversion to a global system governed by and for corporations. Greens represent the electoral wing of the movement against GloboCorp's threat to democracy and the earth itself. MORE INFORMATION: Global Greens Conference: http://www.global.greens.org.au/ search: prty, cmp |