After the Democrat Convention, Greens Reaffirm Support for Cobb/LaMarche. |
Thursday, August 5, 2004 Contacts: WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green Party leaders reaffirmed the party's support for national candidates David Cobb and Pat LaMarche in the wake of last week's Democratic National Convention in Boston, and are urging voters in all states across the U.S. to vote Green in November. "Voters saw an entertaining show in Boston -- paid for by $15 million in taxpayer dollars and $40 million from corporate America -- but little of substance that indicated an alternative to George W. Bush and the Republican Party," said Marc Reichardt, chair of the Green Party's Presidential Campaign Support Committee and chair of the Green Party of Michigan. "The Green Party and its candidates remain the real option for voters alienated by the two established parties and who want to see a permanent alternative political party." Greens cited numerous issues on which Democratic nominee John Kerry essentially agreed with President Bush: the continued occupation of Iraq (Kerry would send 40,000 more troops); endorsement of the Sharon government's illegal policies in Israel and other foreign policies that are inflaming animosity towards the U.S. around the world; maintenance of a health care system dominated by corporate HMOs, insurance, and drug firms; U.S. involvement in antidemocratic trade cabals (NAFTA, WTO, etc.). Kerry, in his convention speech and in his platform, made no mention of the Kyoto accord or concerted efforts to end dependence on fossil fuels, living wages, repeal of Taft-Hartley workplace organizing restrictions, national health insurance, or democratic reforms such as instant runoff voting and debates inclusive of third party and independent candidates. (See <>.) "Instead of pursuing such reforms and ensuring more options for voters, Democrats are trying to bounce Greens and other candidates, including independent candidate Ralph Nader, from the November ballot," said Jody Grage Haug, co-chair of the national party. Greens insist that a vote for the Cobb/LaMarche ticket is a vote to build the Green Party, to help state Green Parties achieve or keep ballot access, and to ensure a Green voice in the national debate. "The convention in Boston showed the mainstream of the Democratic Party as 'Republican Lite' rather than as an opposition party with opposition candidates," said Gray Newman, co-chair of the national party. "The Greens remain the only party that is aggressively challenging the power of corporations, working to restore democracy and the social safety net, holding the White House responsible for numerous deceptions, and calling for the quick return of U.S. troops." MORE INFORMATION: The Green Party of the United States
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