Green Party Calls for a New Democratic Direction in U.S. Policy on the Anniversary of September 11. |
IN U.S. POLICY WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States marked the anniversary of the September 11 attacks with a call for a new democratic direction in U.S. policy. Candidates and activists of America's only growing political party support a new program based on adherence to U.S. and international laws, respect for civil liberties, sound environmental policy, economic security, and peacemaking: (1) BRING JUSTICE TO THE PERPETRATORS OF SEPTEMBER
11. "We join Greens around the world in supporting the indictment, capture, and prosecution of those responsible for the September 11 attacks." (2) ESTABLISH AN INDEPENDENT SEPTEMBER 11 TRUTH
COMMISSION. "Greens, along with other members of the 9/11 Emergency National Network and many other Americans, have proposed the immediate establishment of such a commission, charged with calm, determined, and open investigation of the facts related to the historic events which form the basis of U.S. foreign and domestic policy today." (3) INVEST IN ECONOMIC SECURITY. "Unchecked corporate power and dependence on oil represent two of the greatest threats to the security of the United States," said Charles Laws, Green candidate for Governor of Nevada. (4) END SABER-RATTLING IN THE MIDDLE EAST. "We strongly oppose the ongoing sanctions and military attacks on Iraq which have cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians; we likewise oppose the threatened invasion of Iraq," said Donna Warren, Green candidate for Lieutenant Governor of California. "The U.S. needs a Department of Peace. Greens demand a Middle East policy that aims for a peaceful resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." (5) EXPAND PROTECTIONS FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES. "The Green Party of the United States and Green congressional candidates demand that Congress repeal the unpatriotic USA PATRIOT Act. We demand that our Congress and President defend freedom of speech, religion, person, and association, and support new civil rights protections for workers on the job, immigrants, people of all sexualities, women, people of color, people with disabilities, and for all others suffering the effects of discrimination." (Dr. Farley will be interviewed by the BBC live from New York on September 11 in a discussion of the war on terror.) MORE INFORMATION search: trr, fpol, rgt, cmp, s11