News Release - Tuesday, September 11, 2001 |
Greens Condemn The Violent Attacks on New York, The Pentagon and Pennsylvania. |
The Green Party of the United States Contacts: WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States condemns the violent attacks and mass murder at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Greens offer their sympathy to people affected by the attacks, especially those injured, and to the loved ones of people killed or injured. "The Green Party opposes the use of violence for political ends, whether by government forces, by independent organizations, or by individuals, and we call all such tactics counterproductive," said Anita Rios, Co-Chair of the Green Party and a member of the Ohio Greens. "Whoever and whatever group is behind today's attacks have earned the revulsion and condemnation of the world, and have set back whatever cause they hoped to advance. We stand with all Americans, and with all the peaceful people of the world and grieve." Greens appeal for a careful response, after investigation, from the White House, and insist that rash and violent retaliation will only increase the loss of life, especially of the innocent. "Those responsible for these murders are attempting to terrorize Americans out of our faith in democracy," said Ben Manski, Green Party Co-Chair and member of the Wisconsin Green Party. "They have crucified thousands of civilians in an attempt to intimidate the government into clamping down on American freedoms." "We ask our leaders to be swift and just," added Anita Rios. "We ask that this horror not be compounded by the victimization or stigmatization of the innocent." The Green Party of the United States search: trr, s11, fpol |