Greens Back Call for an Independent Prosecutor in the case of the Leaked CIA Employee's Name. |
Friday, October 3, 2003 Contacts: Investigation should prompt a deeper inquiry into White House deceptions used to justify the war, say Greens, who have called for impeachment of Bush. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Members of the Green Party of the United States are joining the call for the appointment of an independent prosecutor to investigate which senior Bush Administration officials illegally disclosed the identify of a CIA employee to newspaper columnist Robert Novak. The illegal disclosure came a week after the employee's husband, former Iraq Ambassador Joseph Wilson, publicly challenged the claim by President Bush that Iraq had tried to obtain uranium from Niger, a claim now known to have been false. "Only an independent prosecutor can investigate this case, because of the conflict of interest involving Attorney General John Ashcroft," said Mark Dunlea, chair of the Green Party of New York State. "Ambassador Wilson says that he believes that Bush advisor Karl Rove was involved in the leak. Mr. Rove has previously been employed by Ashcroft in his political campaigns for Governor and for U.S. Senator." Greens have also called for an independent prosecutor to investigate the White House's role in ordering the EPA to issue false statements about air quality near World Trade Center site in New York City shortly after the 9/11 attacks, and whether President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and other administration officials lied to Congress, the American people, and the United Nations about the reasons for invading Iraq. Greens noted that the two major parties have been inconsistent in their support for the appointment of independent special prosecutors in times of scandal. "We have a crisis of democracy in America," said Jake Schneider, treasurer of the Green Party of the United States. "The allegations of deceit and illegal behavior by leading members of the Bush administration are so numerous, from 9/11 to insider trading by Bush and Cheney to false information about weapons of mass destruction, that we need an independent prosecutor to hold these officials accountable and help restore trust in our government. Americans deserve to see wider probe of Iraq deceit, not just the name leak." MORE INFORMATION The Green Party of the United States search:
s11, corpt, irq |