Green Party Co-Chair to Address the Million Worker March, Oct 17 in DC. |
Thursday, October 14, 2004 Contacts: GREEN PARTY NATIONAL CO-CHAIR TO SPEAK AT MILLION WORKER MARCH, OCTOBER 17 IN D.C. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Maya O'Connor, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States, will address the Million Worker March, which will take place Sunday, October 17 in Washington, D.C. "The Green Party truly represents the interests of workers in a way the corporate dominated parties cannot. Our platform calls for national health insurance, a living wage, and an end to the war in Iraq, all positions that are endorsed by the march but not held by Democrats or Republicans," said Ms. O'Connor, who is an employee of United Food and Commercial Workers International Union and a member of the D.C. Statehood Green Party and the Newspaper Guild/CWA. The Coordinating Committee of the Green Party, in which 43 state Green Parties are represented, voted in September to endorse the Million Worker March. The event was proposed by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, Local 10, in response to the attacks upon working families in America, invasion and occupation of Iraq, and the millions of jobs lost under the Bush administration with the complicity of Congress. ILWU member and march organizer Clarence Thomas received a standing ovation after addressing the Coordinating Committee at the 2004 Green National Convention in Milwaukee on June 25. MORE INFORMATION: search: elct, ecpol |