Greens Warn About Misleading Story on Green Endorsement of Kucinich. |
Tuesday, October 28, 2003 Contacts: WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Co-chairs of the Green Party of the United States are advising members of the news media and the general public today about a potentially misleading news story that indicates Green Party support for Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. According to the story, the New Hampshire Green Party recently announced its endorsement of Mr. Kucinich. The endorsement decision reportedly took place at a meeting in a coffee shop that was attended by six individuals. Green Party officials wish to clarify that the half-dozen individuals responsible for the news release in question are not affiliated with the Green Party of the United States. Furthermore, New Hampshire is one of five states which still do not have a functioning state Green Party. Reporters are advised to check stories about Green Party policies, campaigns, events, etc. with the national party (media contacts listed above, or check or with affiliated state Green Parties (see the index at The Green Party of the United States, recognized by the FEC as the party's national committee, includes 43 accredited state Green Parties, and will hold the party's national convention in Milwaukee in June, 2004. The decision about whom, how, and whether to run in the 2004 national election will be made democratically by all the accredited state Green Parties at the Milwaukee convention. The Green Party of the United States held the 2000 national convention in Denver at which Ralph Nader was nominated. MORE INFORMATION The Green Party of the United States search:
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