News Release - Sunday, November 04, 2001 |
The Green Party of the United States
Contacts: Nancy Allen, Media Coordinator 207-326-4576, Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, |
On the Press Reports of Green Activist Being Detained at Bangor Airport in Maine. |
Party organizers are attempting to confirm a report from sources in
Maine that a Green was detained by officials at Bangor International
Airport because of her political affiliation. PLEASE NOTE: Recent press reports on the incident contained incorrect information about the affiliation of the Green Party member, stating that Nancy Oden is a "coordinating committee member" of the Green Party of the United States. Ms. Oden is not a member of the party's Coordinating Committee (which consists of delegates from affiliated states), but of a different organization. The Green Party of the United
States is the only Green political organization organized nationally as
a party, in which at least 31 states are represented (with other states'
memberships pending). It organized the Green National Convention in
Denver in June, 2000, at which Ralph Nader was nominated to run for
President, and is recognized among Green Parties around the world. |