Maine Green Independent Party
Contact: Nancy Allen 207-326-4576
John Eder 207-874-0713 or 207-871-0317 or 207-879-8755
Mainer is Second Green Elected to a US State Legislature.
Portland, ME. John Eder of Portland, a 33
year old house painter, has been elected as state
representative from District 31 to the Maine Legislature
with 67% of the vote to become the first Green state rep in
the United States. His Democratic opponent conceded last
The Maine Green Independent Party thanks
all who helped create this historic victory and is extremely
proud that Maine is the first state in the nation to elect a
Green state rep. It is fitting that the first organized
state Green Party (1984) is the first state to have the
highest elected Green in the nation. |
Wednesday, November 6, 2002
Dean Myerson, National Political Coordinator,
202-319-7191 (office)
301-651-5168 (cell)
Juscha Robinson, Co-Chair, Green Party
Coordinated Campaign Committee,
Dan Kinney, Co-Chair, Green Party Coordinated
Campaign Committee, 717-579-6391
Early Results Show Growth for Green Party
Candidates take a statehouse seat in Maine and a
Providence, Rhode Island City Council seat.
Washington, D.C. -- With most results still
pending in western states, Greens took a strong step to higher level
office with John Eder's two-to-one landslide victory in the Maine state
house, district 31. Eder's Democratic Party opponent conceded earlier in
the evening.
In Providence, Rhode Island, where Greg Gerritt ran a
strong grassroots campaign for Mayor, David Segal has taken a seat on
the City Council with 38%.
In northwest Pennsylvania, District 3, Congressional
candidate AnnDrea Benson set a new record for a Green Congressional
campaign with 22% of the vote total. Benson had been endorsed by the
Rev. Jesse Jackson last Friday.
For statewide races, Green candidates for Governor in
Maine, Jonathan Carter, and Jim Sykes for Senate in Alaska both earned
about 9%.
Greens also elected their first local officeholder in
Texas, George Rice, to the San Antonio Water Board. And in Madison,
Wisconsin, Green candidate for Sheriff Adam Benedetto received over
32,000 votes.
The Green Party of the United States
National office: 1314 18th Street, NW Washington, DC 20036
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Major endorsements of Green Party campaigns by prominent national
organizations and newspapers:
Database of Green campaigns and office holders:
Green candidates' participation in and exclusion from debates
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