Green Party Continues Steady Growth in 2002. |
THE GREEN PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES Contacts: GREEN PARTY CONTINUES STEADY GROWTH IN 2002 2002 victory total sets new record as officeholder total also grows. Washington, D.C. - In an election in which conservative forces took control of both houses of the US Congress, the Green Party continued its steady growth. Although some local results are not yet in, the party won at least 33 races on November 5, for a 2002 total of 66 races won (some earlier in the year). This is our highest total to date, eclipsing the previous best of 58 in 2001. The Green Party's count of elected officeholders stands at 171, pending final results. The most prominent victories included John Eder's victory in state house District 31 in Portland, Maine. Eder defeated his Democratic opponent by a two-to-one margin. Additionally, David Segal was elected to the Providence, Rhode Island, City Council Ward 1 seat, a working-class and traditionally Democratic district. Victories ranged from Hawaii to Maine and Texas to Minnesota, with North Carolina and Texas both electing their first Green to local office. "My resounding victory last night demonstrated that grassroots politics still works, and took the Maine Green Independent Party, and the Green Party in the US, to the next step in its growth," said Eder. "I'm ready to go to work for my constituents and demonstrate that the Green Party's platform can help the quality of life for Mainers." Eder's victory caps an election in which many Green candidates for state legislative office recorded vote totals over 20 and 30%, and in the double digits in races with both Democrats and Republicans. Green candidate AnnDrea Benson in Pennsylvania's 3rd Congressional District won 22%, the best yet for a Green in a House race. And many Greens running statewide improved on the vote totals from the Nader campaign in 2000. "Last night's election demonstrates that the Green Party continues to grow whether the economy is up or down, whatever the issues are, and independent of the plight of the Democratic Party," said Dean Myerson, Green Party Political Coordinator. "The Green Party achieved its core goals of electing a candidate to a state legislature and improving its electoral performance over previous years." In an interesting turn of events, the Election Night party for the Adam Benedetto for Dane County Sheriff campaign, which won 16 precincts, was paid a visit by Wisconsin Senator Russ Feingold, wishing the Green Party well. "Progressives such as Representative Tammy Baldwin did well last night," said Green Party Co-Chair Ben Manski. "Progressive candidates not only can win, but do win, when they are true to their values." MORE INFORMATION John Eder campaign office: 207-772-1414 Green Party Election Results The Green Party of the United States search: elct