Greens Prepare for Presidential Primary Without Nader. |
Originally released on December 23, 2003. WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Two-time Green presidential candidate Ralph Nader yesterday informed party leaders that he will not be joining six other declared candidates in seeking the Green Party nomination for the presidency in 2004. Many Greens expressed surprise and regret at Nader's decision. "Most of us believe that had he run for the nomination, Nader would have quickly secured the delegates necessary to win the Green nomination, and we told him as much," said Ben Manski, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. Six candidates have declared their intention to compete in the Green Party Presidential Primaries: Peter Camejo (CA), David Cobb (CA), Paul Glover (NY), Kent Mesplay (NY), Carol Miller (NM), and Lorna Salzman (NY). Nader had informed Green Party officials that he would give the party an indication of whether he intended to seek the nomination by Christmas. Nader said yesterday that he is still mulling over a possible independen run for the presidency. Greens noted that an independent Nader candidacy would be significantly weaker without the infrastructure of a party to place his name on state ballots, and asserted that an independent progressive candidacy would not advance the movement for a longstanding independent party in a multiparty democracy, one of the major goals of the Green Party. Green officials also noted that Nader's decision not to enter the primaries would open space for new fresh faces to bear the Green banner. "Voters are facing a growing number of choices in the Green primaries with every new month, and we're certain that the candidate who garners the Green nomination will be an all-around winner," said Jo Chamberlain, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States. The Green Party of the United States holds ballot lines in 21 states and D.C., affiliates in 43 states, over 300,000 registered members, and over 200 officials serving in elected office. The Green Party Presidential Nomination Convention will take place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June 23-28th. Delegates to the Convention will be democratically elected in primaries, caucuses, and state conventions, beginning in January.
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