Israel's 'Disengagement Plan' Will Not Bring Peace

Green Party of the United States
1711 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009.
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193

Green Party International Committee

"Israel Decides to Keep Gaza Sealed off after Pullout. PNA: Israel Will Remain 'the Occupying Power' after Withdrawal"
Palestine Media Center, August 9, 2005

"Withdrawal is a prelude to annexation: US hypocrisy is not new but Condi Rice has taken it beyond chutzpah" by Avi Shlaim
The Guardian, June 22, 2005,10551,1511839,00.html

"Peace is more than pacification"
Discussion with Mazin Qumsiyeh over the Israel-Palestine conflict, over Gaza disengagement, human rights, as well as the moral imperative of the one state solution. Interview by Sabine Matthes in Junge Welt, August 13, 2005 (English)

"A 'warning' from Israel that merits the world's attention" (editorial)
The Daily Star (Beirut, Lebanon), July 27, 2005

U.N. Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. Fifty-sixth session: Item 4 of the provisional agenda. Final report of Mr. Pinheiro, Special Rapporteur on housing and property restitution in the context of the return of refugees and internally displaced persons

search: pce, fpol


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Office: PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 
Email: 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN