Greens to G8: Global Warming Needs Green Plan, Not 'Katrina'
Green Party of the United States
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
Greens to G8 leaders: Global warming requires a Green strategy, not a 'Katrina' response;
Green summit in Tucson follows G8 summit in St. Petersburg
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Green leaders and candidates, preparing for the party's national meeting in Tucson, Arizona, July 27-30, called on the leaders of G8 nations to adopt far-reaching measures to curb global warming, in the wake of the G8 meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia.
Greens emphasized that Kyoto plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions must be adjusted in accord with scientists' recommendations of a 70% reduction.
"The choice is between a Green response to global warming and a 'Katrina' response, in which the Bush Administration's negligence and failure to heed basic science are repeated on a global scale," said Dave Berger, Green candidate for Minnesota State Auditor <>.
"The U.S., currently the world's largest energy consumer, must rejoin Kyoto immediately and take the lead on a 70% reduction of CO2 emissions," added Mr. Berger. "If not, President Bush will be remembered as one of the most murderously reckless heads of state in world history."
Greens support rapid transition to clean and secure alternative energy sources, energy conservation, and reduced reliance on cars, and praised Germany's goal of phasing out nuclear energy as well as fossil fuel dependence. The U.S., Russia, and France remain committed to nuclear energy, which Greens warn presents numerous environmental and security risks.
"In the middle of the 20th century, nations united to defeat the fascist menace. In the 21st century, we need a similar focused global campaign, with peaceful, not military strategies, to defeat climate change," said Ken Pentel, Green candidate for Governor of Minnesota <>.
"The campaign must include a restructuring of local, national, and global economies, with investment and creation of new jobs in conservation and conversion to renewable solar and wind power, taxes on fossil fuel consumption, and bans on new drilling in the ANWR [Arctic National Wildlife Refuge] and other wilderness areas. We also need national health insurance and measures for public health and safety as we begin to experience the effects of warming, such as killer storms like Katrina and Rita."
Greens called the reluctance of most Republicans and Democrats to address global warming adequately, a result of bipartisan addiction to corporate campaign money, an indication that the emergence of the Green Party has become a historical imperative for the 21st century.
For more information about Green Party's 2006 national meeting, titled "El Futuro es Verde / The Future is Green," visit <>.
For media credentialing, visit <>.
For Green campaign listings, news, photos, and web sites, visit the Green Party's candidate spotlight page <>
and the Green elections database <>,
which lists all 2006 candidates.
Green Party of the United States
1711 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009.
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193
Climate Crisis Coalition
"El Futuro es Verde / The Future is Green"
National Meeting of the Green Party of the United States in Tucson, Arizona, July 27-30, 2006
Media credentialing:
2006 Green candidates: