Greens Pitch Antiwar Tent at Camp Casey in Crawford, Tex.
Green Party of the United States
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
Bill Holloway, Camp Casey on-site contact for the Green Party, 512-744-7487 (cell phone)
Greens join Cindy Sheehan's antiwar vigil at Camp Casey in Crawford, Texas
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Greens from Texas and other states, led by the Travis County Green Party, are converging in
Crawford, Texas for the antiwar vigil at Camp Casey.
Cindy Sheehan, who established Camp Casey in 2005 in protest of the Iraq war and in memory of her son who was killed in Iraq, has resumed the camp as continuation of a peace vigil that commenced in Washington, D.C. in July. On August 10, 2005, the Green Party's Peace Action Committee
(GPAX) issued a statement of support for Ms. Sheehan and Camp Casey <>.
"We stand by Cindy Sheehan and the Gold Star Families for Peace in calling for an immediate end to the U.S. occupation of Iraq," said Bill Holloway, Texas Green delegate to the party's national committee and a member of
GPAX. "The Green Party has opposed the war from the beginning, before the invasion was launched."
"While Democrats and Republicans jumped on the Bush bandwagon and endorsed the invasion, Greens recognized right away that the President's reasons for going to war were fraudulent and illegal," Mr. Holloway added. "We're immensely proud of the Green Party's 'Peace Slate' of 2006 candidates, and their pledge to bring U.S. troops home to their families where they belong."
The Green Party's large blue four-person tent has been decorated with party peace stickers, flags, and banners. Greens will be sensitive about promoting the Green Party at Camp Casey and the Peace House, but noted that some Democratic candidates showed up at last year's Camp Casey and used their visits to campaign.
Bill Holloway is serving as on-site contact for the Green Party at Camp Casey, and can be reached at 512-744-7487 (cell phone). Mr. Holloway is maintaining a web log of his experiences at Camp Casey at <>.
More information about Greens at Camp Casey is also available at <>.
For more information about Camp Casey and the Crawford Peace House, visit <>.
==> For Green campaign listings, news, photos, and web sites, visit the Green Party's candidate spotlight page <>
and the Green elections database <>,
which lists all 2006 candidates.
Green Party of the United States
1711 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009.
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193
Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX)