Green Party thanks "Peace Mom" Cindy Sheehan for her
courage and sacrifice
Green Party of the United States
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
Green Party thanks Cindy Sheehan for her courage, dedication, and sacrifice as she retires from antiwar activism
WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party leaders offered their thanks to antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan for dedicating three years of her life to ending the Iraq War, in the wake of Ms. Sheehan's announcement that she is retiring from the movement to end the war.
Ms. Sheehan joined the antiwar movement and emerged as a representative of those who suffered the loss of family members after her son Casey, a Specialist in the US Army, was killed in Iraq in April 2004. The Green Party has consistently supported Ms. Sheehan's call for a quick end to the occupation.
Bill Holloway, Chairperson of the Travis County (Austin, Texas) Green Party and participant in Camp Casey in August 2006: "Cindy Sheehan gave a human face to the peace and justice movement that neither the media, the White House, or Congress could ignore. Ms. Sheehan exposed the Bush Administration's lies and made it impossible for President Bush to hide the fact that the war has cost the lives of thousands of young American service members, as well as hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians."
Echo Steiner, co-chair of the Green Party of the United States and member of Military Families Speak Out <>,
with a brother who served a tour in Iraq as a navy SeaBee: "Cindy Sheehan's exhausting work, especially her long vigils at Camp Casey, stands as a monument to her son. When the war finally ends and the troops are ordered home some day, it'll be because of Ms. Sheehan's courage and personal sacrifice. We will never forget Cindy or Casey."
Carl Romanelli, Pennsylvania Green candidate for the US Senate in 2006: "We share Cindy Sheehan's dismay and anger at Democratic members of Congress for their continued support of the war in Iraq. The willingness of so many Democrats to drop the troop withdrawal timetable and vote for $120 billion more in war financing reminds us that the war machine has always been bipartisan. We extend thoughts of peace and comfort to Cindy Sheehan."
Green Party of the United States
1711 18th Street NW
Washington, DC 20009.
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
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Peace Action Committee of the Green Party (GPAX)
"Green for a Change": 2007 Green Party Annual National Meeting
Reading, Pennsylvania, July 12-15