Green Party to decide on 2008 National Convention site
Green Party of the United States
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624,
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805,
Green Party to decide on the site for the 2008 Green National Convention
WASHINGTON, DC -- The Green Party of the United States is preparing to decide on the site for the party's 2008 national nominating convention, at which Green delegates from nearly every state will choose a presidential nominee.
The four cities under consideration are Chicago, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Oakland, California.
"The Green Party's National Committee is discussing proposals from the four cities and is expected to vote on the site in late August," said Ruth Weill, co-chair of the party's Annual National Meeting Committee. "We've been very impressed with the presenters from the four sites, and we're excited and looking forward to the National Committee's decision."
Ms. Weill noted that the National Committee will use 'ranked choice voting' (instant run-off voting) <>
to choose the site.
The proposals were introduced during the Green Party's 2007 national meeting in Reading, Pennsylvania <>.
Previous Green Party convention sites are Los Angeles, California (1996); Denver, Colorado (2000); and Milwaukee, Wisconsin (2004).
Proposals for the 2008 Green Party convention site:
Video clips of the 2007 Green Party meeting in Reading, featuring speeches by Ralph Nader, former Georgia Rep. Cynthia McKinney, and 2008 Green presidential candidates, have been uploaded at <>.
Green Party of the United States
202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193
o Green Party News Center
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o 2007 national Green Party meeting in Reading, Pa.: video footage, blog and media coverage
'Open Letter to Michael Moore' from the Green Party on 'Sicko,' health care reform