Green Party of Ohio
Ohio Green Party Coordinating Committee unanimously endorsed Tim Kettler for Ohio Senate District 20 in their November 18, 2007 conference.
A lifelong Ohio resident, resides in the Warsaw, Ohio with his wife Roberta, and son Malcolm. Tim and Roberta own and operate Action Septic Service, a twenty-year established, environmentally directed service business. His blue collar, working class background and his rural lifestyle have made him aware of the needs of both of these constituencies. He is an advocate of new progressive policies to meet these needs. Tim currently serves as the secretary of the Green Party of Ohio, and is a co-founder and treasurer of his local, the East Central Ohio Green Party. He and his fellow greens have spent long hours bringing Green values to rural Ohio through their organizing efforts.
As a self-employed small businessman, Tim is acutely aware of the obstacles presented by a failing health care system, regressive tax structures and increasing pressure from corporate influence. He is a representative on the Single Payer Action Network of Ohio state council, a non-partisan organization that advocates for the establishment of single-payer, universal health care for the citizen’s of Ohio. He is active in circulating petitions for The Health Care for All Ohioans Act ballot initiative. His experience working through the burdensome obstacles that this process presents has convinced him of the need for reform if this tool of grassroots democracy is to be viable.
As your State Senator, Tim has pledged to bring independence and integrity to the office. As an advocate for the free exercise of our voting rights, Tim pledges to fight for all. During the 2004 Ohio Presidential Vote Recount, he worked as a regional coordinator, organizing and conducting recounts in six east central Ohio counties. Tim joined with David Cobb, Anita Rios and others, to file suit in United States District Court against Ohio Secretary of State, Kenneth Blackwell.
Volunteers for the Kettler for Senate Campaign
Tim Kettler as a non major party candidate is required to get 1500 signatures supporting his candidacy.
Petition volunteers are needed for the Kettler for Senate Campaign.
Senate District 20 includes Coshocton, Muskingum, Guernsey, Morgan, Monroe, Noble, Athens, Meigs and Washington counties. Active petitioning is ongoing in Coshocton, Muskingum and Athens counties and we have reached 20% of our goal. You need not be a district resident to help.
To Volunteer or contribute:
Send an email with your complete contact information to
tim@aol.com or contact us by mail at:
Kettler for Senate
PO Box 343
Warsaw, Ohio 43844
Campaign Funding Strategy:
A key component of Tim's strategy to win is the grassroots funding available to statewide candidates in Ohio. Tim Kettler says ” By taking advantage of the Ohio Income Tax Credit for Campaign Contributions we can prove the viability of publicly funded campaigns and help bring an end to corporate and special interest control of our elections.”
This is not a check-off contribution but a full tax credit for campaign contributions to a specific candidate of up to $50
per individual. This is not a deduction; it is a full tax credit. Each contributor will be reimbursed with a credit towards the taxes you are assessed by the State of Ohio when they file your 2007 return. Kettler says,” This is a great way to promote the new priorities that need to be enacted if we are to move beyond the failed policies of our present corporate funded leadership. “
This Release is funded thru volunteer contributions to the Green Party of Ohio.
Media Contact Green Party of Ohio, Russell Buckbee, 330-562-4637 russbuckbee@adelphia.net