
State News Release

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Delaware's Third Parties Unite in Support of Democratic Reform.

For immediate release:
Sunday, May 4, 2003

J. Roy Cannon
(302) 738-9963

Libertarian, Independent, Natural Law and Green parties agree to support advisory initiative legislation. Democrat and Republican parties fail to respond to join effort.

Wilmington, Delaware: The Green, Natural Law, Independent, and Libertarian parties of Delaware are united in support of HB 119 (Cathcart). HB 119 provides for advisory initiative whereby registered voters can introduce legislation in the General Assembly for consideration by it. The Democratic and Republican parties failed to respond to invitations to work together towards this democratic reform despite several attempts to engage them in discussions.

In a joint statement, Delaware¹s 3rd parties voice their backing of initiative and referendum legislation.

Delaware citizens have long supported advisory initiative and referendum initiatives extending back to 1906. As more and more of us feel alienated, powerless and disenfranchised from our goverment now, more than ever, is the time for democratic reform. Like its predecessor HB 66 introduced in 1998, HB 119 provides ordinary citizens the ability to fully exercise their First Amendment Rights and gain greater access to elected officials. The Independent, Natural Law, Green and Libertarian parties urge voters to learn more about initiative and referendum and to call their state representatives in support of HB 119.

HB 119 was introduced by Sen. Cathcart on 4/9/03 and is co-sponsored by Reps. Caulk, Valihura, B. Ennis, Hall-Long, Keeley and Sens. Sokola, Bonini, and Cloutier. It is currently in the House House Administration Committee. A petition form is available for use in gathering signatures to present to your State Representative and your State Senator.


Independent Party of Delaware

Natural Law Party
1 Russell Road
New Castle, Delaware 19720
(302) 654-5872 

Libertarian Party of Delaware
P. O Box 1472
Dover, Delaware 19903-1472
(302) 659-1920 

Green Party of Delaware
P. O. Box 6044
Wilmington, Delaware 19804


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