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California Race Demonstrates Need for Instant Runoff Voting. |
INSTANT RUNOFF VOTING IOWA CITY -- The California recall election proves how urgently Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) is needed for democratic elections, say members of the Iowa Green Party. They note that Green candidate for California governor Peter Camejo has made IRV a major part of his campaign message, and stress IRV as good for Iowa, as well. "With IRV, citizens could rank their choices," says Black Hawk Green Party Co-chair David Larson. "They would be free to express themselves politically. And the ultimate winner would have the support of a majority of voters." In the wake of the 2000 election, after which some Democrats have tried to discredit the Green Party with accusations of "spoiling," Greens have urged Democrats and others who care about fair elections to enact IRV. IRV has been an issue in past Iowa Green Party electoral campaigns. In 2002, both gubernatorial candidate Jay Robinson and Black Hawk Board of Supervisors candidate Jim Paprocki focused attention on it. Iowa Greens underscore its current use in municipal and nongovernmental institutions such as the American Political Science Association. "IRV is as needed here in Iowa as it obviously is today in California," Larson says. "Any office-holder or party who complains about minority percentage support for winnersand doesn't endorse IRV is being hypocritical. "Besides, wouldn't it be great for Iowa to be in the vanguard of electoral reform?" For more information on IRV, Proportional Representation, and other democratic voting reforms, visit the web site of the Center for Voting and Democracy at <>. MORE INFORMATION
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