
Green Party Candidate Press Release - Sept 15, 2002

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Iowa Green Party
Iowa Green Party in Debate.

Subject: Iowa Green Party in debate
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                 15 September 2002
For more information, contact: Jay Robinson, 515-290-5201, or David Larson, 319-233-1216

Iowa Green Party Candidate Participates in the Debates

Rev. Jay Robinson, Iowa Green Party candidate for governor, will be live online for the first televised gubernatorial debate this Monday, September 16, 7-8 p.m.  Having not been invited by the Cedar Rapids Gazette to sit on-stage at Dows Auditorium at Coe College in Cedar Rapids with Democratic candidate Gov. Vilsack and Republican candidate Mr. Gross, Rev. Robinson will be answering the debate questions as they are broadcast, by means of Internet connection.  His answers will be given live at this web address: geocities.com/spica722000/.  All interested in a more full debate with the three Iowa official party candidates may watch KCRG-TV and this website simultaneously.

There will be a gathering of Robinson supporters outside Dows Auditorium before and during the debate, to call for his more full inclusion in the debates as they happen.  Robinson will address this audience and interested media at 6:30 p.m.

There will also be a pre-debate live call-in program on Public Access Television Channel 18 in the Iowa City area, 4:30-5:30 p.m.  Concerned citizens are encouraged to tune-in to this program and call-in their own questions and concerns to the candidate.


Candidate Press Release and News - Sept 15, 2002

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