State News Release - March 06, 2002 |
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Illinois Green Party Local bands to play for Estabrook campaign. |
Champaign, IL - July 31, 2002 - Green party candidate for Congress Carl Estabrook promised an unconventional campaign from the beginning. After spending the past two weeks at county fairs around the 15th district, including the McLean County Fair earlier this week, Estabrook now plans to relax while others take to the stage for him. Three local bands -- Jakehead, Paul Kotheimer, and Angie Heaton -- will play a benefit concert for the Estabrook for Congress campaign in the beer garden at Mike & Molly's in Champaign on Saturday afternoon, August 3. Kotheimer will be presenting songs from his new CD, "Serious Folking Music." A portion of the proceeds from the sales of the CD will go to the Independent Media Center in Urbana. Brochures about the Estabrook campaign and the Green Party will be available for concertgoers, in addition to bumperstickers and t-shirts. "It should be a lot of fun for everyone," Estabrook said, "And it's a chance for people to hear that the Green party is providing 'A CHOICE FOR A CHANGE' in the November election." Estabrook is running for the seat currently held by Republican Timothy Johnson. "The concert is beginning to look like an anti-war show," Estabrook said, "as both the Republicans and Democrats push for an attack on Iraq. But, like so many other things they agree on, we're against it." The music will start early -- Jakehead takes the stage shortly after 4pm -- so that families can attend. Paul Kotheimer will play next, with Angie Heaton to take the stage around 6:30pm. There is a suggested donation at the door of $5. Mike & Molly's is located in downtown Champaign at 105 N. Market Street. For more information about the Estabrook Campaign and other upcoming
events, visit the website, |
State News Release - March 06, 2002 |
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