
Celebrate International Labor Day at Union Founding Monument.

Green Party of Michigan

April 23, 2004

For More Information Contact:
John Anthony La Pietra phone: 269-781-9478, e-mail: jalp@internet1.net
Celebrate International Labor Day at Union Founding Monument 10am Saturday, May 1 at Michigan Avenue & East Drive, Marshall Walk Across Town to Present-Day Site of BLE's Birthplace

Anyone interested in a local celebration of International Labor Day is invited to come to the intersection of Michigan Avenue, East Drive, and Mansion Street on the east side of Marshall at 10:00am on Saturday, May 1.

A small triangle of land at that intersection is the location of a monument to the founding of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers (BLE) in 1863.  There is also a marker commemorating the Adam Crosswhite incident in 1847.

Those attending will talk about the history of labor in the area, current labor conditions and issues, and the history behind the US's shunning of the "other Labor Day" -- May Day, the one recognized by the rest of the world.

Afterward, will and weather permitting, attendees can walk across town to the site on Linden and Hanover Streets where the J. C. "Yankee" Thompson House (the home where the BLE was founded) has been moved.

If you would like to add something to the program of activities, know of another celebration elsewhere, or are just interested in being there for the festivities, please contact John Anthony La Pietra -- by phone at 269-781-9478 or by e-mail at: jalp@internet1.net

WHO:  Anyone interested in a local celebration of International Labor Day.

WHAT: Gathering at a local labor monument; other activities available include walking across town to a companion historical site, and discussing plans for future activities supporting workers and the labor movement.

WHEN:  Gather at 10:00am on Saturday, May 1 (recognized around the world as Labor Day, in honor of early labor organizing activities in the United States).

WHERE:  Start on the east side of Marshall, at the intersection of Michigan Avenue, East Drive, and Mansion Street -- the site of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers founding monument.  After celebrations end there, walk through downtown Marshall to the west side of town and the home where the union was founded, which is now on Hanover Street at Linden Street.
WHY:  To remember the history of the labor movement in Marshall, the state, and the world -- and to consider what to do to honor and help working people today and into the future.
