
Green Party Leader to Testify at Election-Reform Meeting.

Green Party of Michigan


For More Information Contact:
Marc Reichardt -- Party Chair, GPMI phone: 734-668-9628 e-mail: chair@migreens.org
Ray Ziarno -- GPMI Candidate/Secretary of State, 2002  e-mail: razar@voyager.net

Green Party Leader to Testify at Election-Reform Meeting

2002 Secretary of State Candidate Ray Ziarno to Attend Meeting of "Help America Vote Act" Planning Committee Will Urge State to Plan for Free, Fair, and Full Choices in Election Equipment, Training and Advanced Voting Methods.

WHO: Ray Ziarno -- the candidate of the Green Party of Michigan
 (GPMI) for Secretary of State in the 2002 election, and
 a representative of Michigan Focus on Reforming Elections
 (M-FORE) -- will attend.
 Other members of GPMI and/or M-FORE may also attend.

WHAT: Ziarno will testify at the first scheduled meeting of the
 State Plan Advisory Committee required by the Federal
 "Help America Vote Act" during the required 30-day state
 public-comment period during which the preliminary plan
 can be revised before it is submitted to the new Federal
 Election Assistance Commission.

WHEN: The meeting is scheduled to run from 10am to 12 noon EDT
 on Friday, June 20, 2003.

WHERE: The hearing is to be held in Ballroom 5 of the Lansing
 Center (333 East Michigan, Lansing).

WHY: Ziarno will present testimony on the need for the state's
 HAVA implementation plan to provide for equipment and
 software, training, and other preparations to enable the
 state and smaller jurisdictions within the state to hold
 elections using ranked-choice voting methods (such as
 instant-runoff voting, IRV) and other voting and election
 methods being used elsewhere in the United States. His
 remarks will be grounded in two of the Four Pillars of
 the Green Party: grassroots democracy and social justice.

For further information about the "Help America Vote Act" and the
State Plan Advisory Committee, visit:


For more information on the Green Party of Michigan and its position
on election reform, visit:


 # # #

Green Party of Michigan * 548 S. Main Street *
 * Ann Arbor, MI 48104 * 734-663-3555
The Green Party of Michigan was formed in 1987 to address environmental
issues in Michigan politics. There are Greens organized in all 50 states
and the District of Columbia. Each state Green Party sets its own goals
and creates its own structure, but US Greens agree on Ten Key Values:

 Ecological Wisdom * Grassroots Democracy
 Social Justice * Nonviolence
 Community Economics * Decentralization
 Feminism * Respect for Diversity
 Personal and Global * Future Focus/
 Responsibility Sustainability

 created/distributed using donated labor