Michigan, Detroit Greens Renew Endorsement for Maureen D. Taylor as Write-In Candidate
for Detroit City Council
Green Party of Michigan
November 4, 2005
For More Information
Sylvia Inwood, Chair/Green Party of Michigan
e-mail: chair@migreens.org
John La Pietra, Media Committee/GPMI
e-mail: jalp@internet1.net
Michigan, Detroit Greens Renew Endorsement for Maureen D. Taylor as Write-In Candidate
for Detroit City Council Tuesday, Nov. 8
Grassroots Candidate Still Working for People's Rights to Homes, Heat, Water, and Fair Elections
Statement by Sylvia Inwood Chair, Green Party of Michigan
Co-Chair, Detroit Green Party
The Green Party of Michigan and the Detroit Greens
continue to support Maureen Taylor's candidacy for Detroit City Council.
Ms. Taylor continues her campaign for a seat on the City Council, now as a
write-in candidate. Her lawsuit against Detroit City Clerk Jackie Currie exposed the rampant
corruption of the balloting process in Detroit's elections. The Green Party
supports Maureen Taylor, the People's Choice!
Sylvia Inwood
Co-chair, Detroit Green Party
Chair, Green Party of Michigan
For more information about the candidacy of Maureen D.
Taylor for a seat on the Detroit City Council, please contact the campaign at:
Committee to Elect Maureen D. Taylor
P.O. Box 02008
Detroit, MI 48201
For more information about the Green Party of Michigan --
including the party's original endorsement of Maureen D. Taylor for Detroit City Council -- please visit the GPMI Web site: