Green Presidential Candidates to Debate in Minnesota. |
GREEN PARTY OF MINNESOTA Tuesday, February 3, 2004 Contacts: MINNEAPOLIS --- The University of Minnesota College Greens, the Green Party of Minnesota, and the 5th Congressional District Greens are sponsoring a debate of the Green Party Candidates for President. The debate will be held Monday, February 16th from 7 to 9 PM at the Coffman Union Theatre on the University of Minnesota Campus, 300 Washington Ave. S.E., Minneapolis. Candidates David Cobb and Kent Mesplay have confirmed their participation. "As college students and active citizens, we're looking beyond the two-party system for candidates who take principled stands on issues that are important to us," said Kellie Burriss of the College Greens. "This debate is a great opportunity to participate in the political process as we learn about our options in 2004." The debate will be an opportunity for the public to meet Green Party Presidential Candidates preceding their state party's March 2nd Caucuses and their national party's convention to be held June 23 to 28 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. "This election season, there is a huge information vacuum regarding candidates from smaller parties " said state party chairperson, Nick Raleigh. "Green voters in Minnesota deserve far better access to their party's candidates and we hope local media will see this debate as another opportunity to cover our state's thriving, multi-partisan democracy." Three of the six announced Green presidential candidates, David Cobb, Kent Mesplay and Lorna Salzman, debated for the first time Thursday night at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. Other debates will be hosted by other state green parties around the country leading up to the national convention. "Regardless of party identity, most Americans believe democracy is strengthened when citizens have more options," said Jay Pond, the debate's media coordinator. "The Greens are the largest political party in the world and the fastest growing party in the United States. We are establishing ourselves as a lasting non-corporate, independent and innovative party. Our presidential debate at the U of M will give Minnesotans an opportunity to hear our story first hand." Journalists are encouraged to cover the Green Presidential debate. To pre-register, please contact Jay Pond at 612-874-9287. MORE INFORMATION Green Party of Minnesota Green Party Presidential Candidates |