At its first statewide endorsing convention the Green
Party of Minnesota on May 18th chose Ken Pentel for Governor, Andrew
Koebrick for Secretary of State, Dave Berger for State Auditor, and Ed
McGaa for US Senate. Convention business ended about midnight in St.
"In addition to the statewide candidates endorsed we expect to run
numerous local races for state legislature," said Cam Gordon, Chair
of GPMN. He noted, "We are all anxious for the Green Party to step
forward and earn its place in state government." There were 543
delegate ballots counted.
In the most heated race of the day, the delegates choose Ed McGaa
(Lakota Sioux) for the office of US Senate with a two-thirds majority.
McGaa commented, "Now we'll go forward, concentrating on the fall
elections and realizing we need votes from all parties, in addition to
those not affiliated with any party -- we can win the US Senate
Jennifer Liebenow, Vice Chair of the GPMN pointed out, "Considering
the contentious Senate endorsement, I was surprised that 'None of the
Above' (no endorsement) received less than 12 percent on the first
ballot. The face of the Green Party of Minnesota is developing, and
Greens in this state are proud to participate in its formation."
Ken Pentel won the first ballot with 80 percent. "This was an
important mandate from the Green Party for the policies we put forth,
which will bring all our state's citizens into a new and healthy
economy," said Pentel.
Andrew Koebrick was chosen for Secretary of State by 84 percent of the
delegates. "With my qualifications, impartiality and now the
backing of the state's most grass roots party, we can rise to this
challenge and win," said Koebrick.
Dave Berger was voted for State Auditor by 98 percent. He said, "I
will conduct green audits and incorporate the 'external costs' to our
natural and social environments."
No endorsement for the office of Attorney General was made.
The Green's change in status to a major party in Minnesota was due to
the strong voter support for Ralph Nader's presidential bid in 2000. To
keep that status at least one statewide candidate needs to poll at least
5 percent this November.
Information on the candidates can be found at:
Secretary of State,
State Auditor,
US Senate,
Jennifer Liebenow
(612) 327-3399 cell
(612) 872-0991 home
Cam Gordon
612-296-0579 cell
Green Party of Minnesota:
Green Party of Minnesota
621 West Lake Street, Suite 205, Minneapolis, MN 55408
(612) 871-4585