
Green Party of Minnesota Joins Coalition Against Annual Canadian Seal Hunt.


March 14, 2005

Tuesday, March 15, is International Day of Action

Betsy Barnum, (612) 305-1232, BetsyBarnum@mngreens.org
Eric Makela, (612) 782-2118, eric@mngreens.org

MINNEAPOLIS -- The Green Party of Minnesota has joined a coalition of groups opposing the upcoming annual seal hunt in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.

As part of a coordinated International Day of Action, a demonstration will be held at the Canadian Consulate in downtown Minneapolis (701 Fourth Ave S) at noon on Tuesday, March 15. A letter signed by the GPMN and other local groups will be hand-delivered to the Consul General.

The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) calls this hunt "the largest commercial slaughter of marine mammals on the planet." The organization also claims that close to 300,000 are killed annually for their pelts, their penises (used to make aphrodisiacs), oil (promoted as a health supplement), and meat.

"Greens believe that animals exist for their own reasons, and that these creatures have the right to live freely and in harmony with their nature, rather than according to human desires and exploitation," said Eric Makela of the Green Party Animals, an animal rights caucus. "Our party's platform, developed through a grassroots process, supports the need to reduce the human impact on the Earth and all of its inhabitants."

Last year, according to the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), well over 90% of the seals killed were under the age of three months, many too young to even eat on their own. Furthermore, according to the HSUS, an independent team of veterinarians observing the hunt in 2001 found a that high number of seals (as many as 40%) were likely skinned while alive and conscious.

"In addition to the cruelty aspect, we oppose the hunt because the number of permits granted by the Canadian government is ecologically unsustainable," said Betsy Barnum, state party chair. "Killing this many seals for any reason puts the entire species, and those that depend on it, at great risk."

The Green Party of Minnesota also supports U.S. Senate Resolution 33, sponsored by Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), urging the government of Canada to end the commercial seal hunt. The Party calls on Senators Dayton and Coleman to join the other 15 senators who are co-sponsoring this multi-partisan resolution.

The Green Party recognizes the sovereignty of indigenous nations and honors all First Nation treaty rights, including the right to traditional forms of subsistence hunting. But it generally opposes commercial and recreational uses of animals, particularly when those that are cruel or disrespectful to an animal, or harmful to the natural environment.

The Greens understand that this seal hunt is commercial in nature, and open to anyone with a license from the Canadian government.

For additional details:
HSUS: http://www.hsus.org/marine_mammals/protect_seals/ 
U.S. Senate: http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c109:S.RES.33.IS:/

(The Green Party of Minnesota does not control, nor does it necessarily agree with all of the content on these web sites.)

The Green Party of Minnesota is founded around the principles of ecological wisdom, social and economic justice, non-violence and grassroots democracy. For more information call the Green Party of Minnesota office, 612-871-4585 or visit www.mngreens.org .