Minnesota Green Party
Green Party of Minnesota: 5th Congressional
September 12, 2005
Contact: Stephen Eisenmenger
Chair, 5th Congressional District Green Party
612-747-2854 Stephen@mngreens.org
Minneapolis, MN - Greens believe all public
officeholders should be held accountable to the public, directly and
transparently. The Green Party holds its elected officeholders and
candidates to the highest ethical standards. Greens actively work to
reduce corruption in government and the undemocratic influence of
money over public decisions.
Many Greens know and respect Council Member Dean
Zimmermann for upholding Green values while serving the public. Dean
has given enormously of his time and passion to improving people's
lives, ending war, and creating new, ecologically-wise ways to live.
That's a fact.
The fact also remains that the FBI has not charged
Zimmermann with any crime. The purpose of any FBI investigation is to
render transparent a claim of wrongdoing. So far, the FBI has created
a media sensation just days before a primary election, releasing an
affidavit full of cut-and-pasted quotations from unrevealed sources,
providing little context and no proof of 'quid pro quo'. The FBI must
expedite its investigation and release its evidence, including the
full recordings and transcripts it claims to have. If the FBI has the
facts behind its allegations, it should make them public and make a
criminal charge. Delaying, or refusing to do so is a disservice to the
residents of Ward 6 and all Greens, who take the Green endorsement
very seriously.
Until this happens, citizens can only rely on the
fact of Dean Zimmermann's long and humble service to social, economic
and environmental justice.
The 5th Congressional District Green Party is an
affiliate of the Green Party of Minnesota, which is rooted in the Four
Pillars of Grassroots Democracy, Nonviolence, Social & Economic
Justice and Ecological Wisdom. The Party is established in 44 states
and in over 90 countries across the globe.
The 5th Congressional District Green Party
endorsed 10 candidates in this year's elections in Minneapolis;
Farheen Hakeem for Mayor, Cam Gordon for City Council in Ward 2, Aaron
Neumann for City Council in Ward 3, Natalie Johnson Lee for City
Council in Ward 5, Dean Zimmermann for City Council in Ward 6, Reggie
Birts for City Council in Ward 8, Dave Bicking for City Council in
Ward 9, Annie Young for City Wide Park Board, Ian Stade for Library
Board, and Dave Berger for Board of Estimation and Taxation.
Further information can be found on the web: