Party of Minnesota
March 16, 2006
For more information:
Three Greens Announce Candidacies -
Call for a "Back to Basics" Political Focus
Minneapolis, MN - Three more Green Party members are announcing their
candidacies for office in Minnesota - Jay Pond, for 5th District U.S House of Representatives, Dave Berger for Minnesota State Auditor and
Julie Risser for State Senate District 41. Their candidacies ensure a
Green Party perspective in Minnesota's political discussion this year on
the federal and state levels. "All three of us want to see responsible
long-term investment strategies that encourage sustainable energy and a
political shift to local control," says Pond.
These candidates agree the promotion of clean energy must focus on
community-based economics. Pond, Berger, and Risser contend Minnesotans
should be able to buy energy from regionally produced renewable sources.
"Minnesota imports more electricity than any other state. Minnesota also gets most of its electricity from coal-powered plants which emit
mercury." says Risser. "Our energy requirements offer us the opportunity to build the foundation for a strong society by
investing in basic needs." Berger agrees and wants to see a "Green Audit" approach
to Minnesota's energy use. "We can encourage our cities and counties to
invest in locally owned wind, water, and solar generators. Federal and
state laws require existing power utilities to buy all electric energy
that small power producers offer for sale."
Currently, the majority of energy generated in Minnesota comes from
environmentally unfriendly large coal and nuclear power plants. "Most
Minnesotans want a clean energy alternative that is sustainable and economical" stated Pond. "I'm
optimistic that as a nation we are ready to transition away from a war economy. When we do, this region will
benefit. We have the political and financial clout to finance the building of a new energy infrastructure. To do so would create jobs
while accommodating our region's potential for wind energy production."
All three candidates also support a unified federal and state transit
policy that invests in efficient and clean transportation options. "We
must reduce single occupancy vehicle usage, curb gasoline consumption,
and reduce pollutants," stated Pond. A workable mass transit system is
only one piece of this investment puzzle, however. "We need to invest
in basic infrastructure - encourage pedestrian friendly communities," stated
Risser. "In my neighborhood children who live three blocks from school are bused due to lack of sidewalks and signage." Berger points
out "Our local communities can help reduce our dependency on foreign, polluting, oil. We need an investment program for local governments that
encourages the use of hybrid vehicles," stated Berger. "We can have clean energy if we invest in local control."
Dave Berger, an instructor of sociology at Inver Hills Community
College, was the endorsed Green Party candidate for State Auditor in 2002, garnering nearly 4 percent of the statewide vote. This election
cycle a 5% statewide showing for his candidacy would allow the Green Party major party status in Minnesota. Information on Berger's campaign
can be found at
or call 612-338-3630
Julie Risser, Adjunct Faculty at the University of St. Thomas, is
focusing her campaign on energy independence, transit, and education. For more information <>
or call 952-927-7538
Jay Pond received 6% of the vote in 2004 for 5th District House seat.
He has since spent 6 months living in Washington observing and reporting
on Minnesota's delegation in Congress - particularly Mr. Sabo's work on
the Appropriations Committee. For more information:
or call 612-220-5050
A press conference for these three candidates will be held at State
Capitol, State Office Building in St. Paul, Press Conference Room (Room
181 across from Secretary of State Office) 10am Tuesday, March 21st. For more information
please contact any of the above campaigns.