
State News Release - September 12, 2002

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Nevada Green Party

Nevada Greens Oppose Military Action in Middle East.

Nevada Green Party Press Release

Even with the U.S. and British planes already bombing Iraq, the Nevada Green Party strongly opposes any military action in the Middle East. 

The government's timing is extremely suspicious. They use fear to conduct psychological warfare against the people of the world. They are riding on an induced emotional disturbance to start a new war. The possibility is that the urgency is based on their primary intention of influencing the 2002 U.S. elections.

Members of America's only growing political party believe that a far better approach would be a new program based on adherence to U.S. and international laws, respect for civil liberties, sound environmental policy, economic security, and activist peacemaking.

The United States has repeatedly failed in its policies of supporting undemocratic governments and causing regime changes throughout the world. The people of Vietnam, Panama, Peru, Iran, Philippines, Cuba, and many other countries have suffered the consequences of our government's domination. There is very little 
precedent to suggest we will be successful in Iraq.

The Nevada Green Party believes that what is needed is a complete "change of thinking". Instead of toeing the old militaristic line of thought, a humanitarian policy towards Iraq could bring about the ouster of Hussein much easier, less-painfully, and with far less depletion of global oil reserves consumed by military. Drop the sanctions...send humanitarian aid...help the Iraqi people to help themselves. Eventually, they will oust the crooked regime of Saddam Hussein.

The Bush administration is leading this country down an extremely dangerous path. The invasion of Iraq will do nothing but antagonize and provoke our enemies in the Middle East and around the world. Greens see, as our government has indicated, that the people of Iraq should stand up to their oppressive leaders. We believe that is good advice to the people of the United States as well. We, too, need a more equitable distribution of power, one capable of preventing unjustifiable deaths of Americans and civilians anywhere, and conserving world resources for future well being.

This is what is meant by a "change of thinking". This is a new century. The Green Party is the only political organization in America that realizes the old practices and procedures of prior centuries must now fall by the wayside. The Green Party accepts that new ones involving humanism and nonviolence will be adopted.

State News Release - September 12, 2002

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