
State News Release - June 19, 2002

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New York Greens - Wilder for Governor
Kimberly Wilder Announces Petition Drive for Governor.

Press Contact: Ian Wilder (631) 842-9395
Re: Wednesday, June 19, 2002

What: Woman Governor candidate announces petition drive for Green Party nomination
Where: (in front of) Swan River Schoolhouse Roe Avenue, off rt. 36/South Country Road, Long Island
When: 6:30 PM this Wed. June 19th

Purpose: kick-off Kimberly Wilder's woman-focused Governor campaign with a school teacher's insight into healing our state.

Background information and bio at: www.votewilder.org

Kimberly Wilder wants to give the state of New York a big hug while putting Pataki and the other men who want to run our government in the time-out chair.

Pataki has had eight years at the helm, and he has done little to genuinely fix education inequities, adequately address environmental issues, bring cooperation to the state budget process, or improve the lives of most New Yorkers. His efforts have been minimal, with beautiful brochures and television commercials, but very little substance.

Furthermore, Pataki receives a grade of "F" on honesty. He pledged to run only two terms. As a teacher, Mrs. Wilder has kept careful records. She wants to give Pataki's report card to voters and ask voters to expel him.

Carl McCall and Andrew Cuomo have had their own chances to do good for the people of New York and our country. We all know that they failed to do anything but bolster their own political careers, take huge campaign contributions, and insult a lot of people along the way. It is not nice to be rude.

Kimberly Wilder is going to Swan River Schoolhouse, with ruler hand, to measure out what has been done to the people of New York, and to write a better lesson plan for the future.

She wants to teach incumbent politicians and the corporations who control them a lesson by strengthening our democracy; providing citizen oversight of local and state budgets; and by applying love, compassion, and creativity to areas such as education, workman's compensation, the environment, health insurance, and investments.

The small and historical Swan River Schoolhouse is a good reminder that small schools will serve our students better. Big schools can be made into smaller schools-within-schools using research and scheduling changes that cost little or no extra money. Kimbery Wilder's campaign will recruit parents and teachers to find solutions to education problems. These solutions will include more funding in the communities that need it, and more attention to the health and well-being of children everywhere.

You will enjoy being in Kimberly Wilder's class!

Kimberly is reaching out to involve more women in politics and to have women "play the game" in their own, unique ways. Below is one of the quotations she is sharing with her colleagues, campaign workers and supporters:

"What is asked of us at this time? Our lives, as women, have vastly changed. We may finally rise in the professions, politics. Now the irony is that as men reexamine an old exaggerated emphasis on success, women feel more and more pressure to be successful...Surely there must be a better way! A way not fully revealed, in which we women may reconnect with our ancient feminine grounding and come to a new and more conscious realization of it...a way of stature and new position in the world, while still maintaining the values of the private, the inner, the contained and subjective."
-- Circle of Stones: Women's Journey to Herself by Judith Duerk

Kimberly Wilder, NY's first Woman Governor www.votewilder.org
Babylon Greens: http://www.babylongreens.org
Sustainable Economics:http://pender.ee.upenn.edu/~rabii/toes/ 
Amityville CSA: http://members.aol.com/sophiagardens/home

State News Release - June 19, 2002

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