
State News Release - May 14, 2002

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Morrill for Governor - Pennsylvania Green Party

Morrill/Smedley Join the Air Campaign.

First Green Party Radio Ads in PA Begin On Wednesday.

HARRISBURG, PA - Michael Morrill and Vicki Smedley are set to begin a new phase in Green Party campaigns in Pennsylvania by airing their first radio ads. The Green nominees for governor and lieutenant governor will air ads calling attention to Gov. Schweiker's plans to auction off leases for oil and gas drilling on state forest lands.

The ads begin airing in Harrisburg on Wednesday, and will air in Lancaster, Pittsburgh and northern Pennsylvania stations in the next few days.

"We are excited about entering this new phase of the campaign," said Morrill. 

"However, we really wish people could hear our views, and those of all legitimate candidates, with free media time. We will work tirelessly for election reform, but we will work within the existing system until pro-democracy changes are made."

Morrill said that he plans to run more radio ads throughout the campaign, and will air television spots beginning in the fall.

Morrill held a news conference last month announcing his opposition to the Schweiker plan to drill for oil and gas on 500,000 acres of Pennsylvania state forest lands. Under Schweiker's plan, drilling will also be allowed under state parks, wild areas, and natural areas. The plan has been decried by environmentalists for its potential harm to the environment and also for the secrecy involved in developing the plan. 

Morrill blasted the Schweiker drilling plan, and also criticized the silence of the other gubernatorial candidates. "Earth Day is over, so the environment is no longer a campaign issue for Rendell, Casey and Fisher," said Morrill. "Pennsylvania's environment deserves more than one day of attention from our next governor."

Morrill challenged the other gubernatorial candidates to "join me in opposing these new leases on state forests. " So far, Robert Casey, Jr. and Edward Rendell have asked for a delay in the auction, but no candidate has accepted Morrill's challenge to oppose the leases.

The radio ads continue that challenge. The text of Morrill and Smedley ads follows. 

For a MP3 of the ad, contact Eric Prindle at http://www.michaelmorrill.org.

[Sounds of an auction]

MORRILL: Governor Schweiker has a plan to auction off state forest land to 
balance his budget. He wants to allow oil and gas companies to make big 
profits drilling under our public lands. I'm Michael Morrill, and I'll be a 
new kind of governor: one who listens to the people and stands up to the 
corporate interests. Join us in asking all the candidates for governor to 
set aside partisan differences and come together to say no to the drilling.

[Sounds of birds chirping fading into industrial sounds]

ANNOUNCER: Vicki Smedley is the Green Party candidate for lieutenant 
governor. She has a real record of protecting Pennsylvania's environment. 
She's asking you to do two things: Vote for her and Michael Morrill in 
November, and call Governor Schweiker today. Tell him that auctioning off 
Pennsylvania's future is just plain wrong.

SMEDLEY: I'm Vicki Smedley. Please help us preserve Pennsylvania's future. 
Call Governor Schweiker today and tell him to stop the drilling.

MORRILL: Paid for by Friends of Michael Morrill www.michaelmorrill.org 


For More Information Please Contact
Eric Prindle, Field Director
Morrill for Governor
P.O. Box 7571
Reading, PA 19601
570- 372-0503

State News Release - May 14, 2002

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