Green Party of Utah
May 17, 2006
For information:
Tom King: phone 801-502-8556
Phone: 801-631-2998
Desert Greens,
Green Party of Utah Candidates Oppose Divine Strake Test - Endorse International Day of Action at Nevada Test Site on Memorial Day
05.17.2006 SALT LAKE CITY -- Desert Greens Green Party Candidates have joined
the Stop Divine Strake Coalition, to pressure the Defense Threat Reduction
Agency and the Nuclear National Security Agency to cancel the Divine Strake
detonation currently scheduled for June 23. Some of the candidates will be joining the
coalition on May 28 at the Nevada Test Site to stand with dozens of other
organizations to protest the planned test, and to attempt to influence
policy makers to cancel the test in the face of massive public opposition.
Julian Hatch, U.S. Senate Candidate: "America has been addicted to a war
economy for half a century, putting the citizens of Utah continually at risk
through votes by Orrin Hatch for military test funding. Now when it is an
election year, Orrin claims to have doubts but we know too well that deception
by government officials in the past continues at present."
Dopp, Candidate for Summit County Clerk: "I am flabbergasted that the Bush
administration is leading us towards using nuclear weapons again; rather
than employing diplomatic means to resolve its issues with Iran. Many innocent
people in Iraq have suffered due to U.S. depleted uranium bombs and use of
phosphorous. U.S. foreign policy should promote world peace and well-being
for everyone."
Tom King, State House District 43 Delegate states, "I strongly oppose the
Divine Strake Test foremost because I see it as a step towards the U.S. committing
yet another illegal aggressive war,"
"This test is a sneaky way of getting back into the nuclear weapons
business. We have 'Divine Strake' today, and we'll have a string of 'Holy
Explos' tomorrow," states Chuck Tripp, Desert Greens Candidate for Salt Lake County
Council at Large.
Deanna Taylor, Candidate for Salt Lake County Council, District 5, says "A
delay of this test is not good enough. The Divine Strake Test is a threat to the
ecological health of our planet and violates the sanctity of life. This
test and any future tests must cease. Stop the Divine Strake!"
Desert Greens Candidates and other activists and citizens opposed to the
Divine Strake test will be available for press inquiries and interviews at the
weekly peace vigil at 5:00 on Thursday May 18 in front of the Salt Lake City
Federal Building, 125 South State Street.
For further information, call Tom King at 801-502-8556 or