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Green Party of Virginia is Holding its Annual Activism Networking Dinner on Saturday, March 6, 2004.

Green Party of Virginia

February 16, 2004.

Special Announcement
The Green Party of Virginia is holding its annual Activism Networking Dinner on Saturday, March 6, 2004.  Besides tables featuring numerous NGO's and Social Activist Groups, and workshops, we have brilliant Speakers and a Green Party US Presidential Forum!

Our Keynote Speaker is California Social and Political Activist Matt Gonzalez. Matt recently only narrowly lost a bid as a Green, for Mayor of San Francisco, capturing 47% of the vote.  He did this while being outspent 10-1.  Our other special invited guest is Ralph Nader, who will discuss important issues for the coming year. 

We also have other nationally recognized social activist leaders speaking on: Organizing for the upcoming anti-war demonstrations this March and beyond; Our civil liberties and how to fight against the US Patriot Act; Strategies for feeding the homeless; Effective anti-corporate campaigning; and, How to combat the Bush war on the environment.  These groups include the ACLU, Food Not Bombs, Witness for Peace, National Youth Rights, and more.

Our agenda also includes giving you a close-up look at three candidates for the Green Party Presidential nomination, Kent Mesplay, Lorna Salzman and David Cobb.  Each will address the group and be available to answer questions.  Mr. Cobb may have a representative speak for him.

If you represent a group, we are inviting you to set up a table at the event, and/or present a workshop.  You can also choose to be a sponsor at the event.  We will have attendees from Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, Maryland and Washington DC.  Lastly, you can also choose to just attend the dinner.

Event Schedule & Location
Saturday, March 6, 2004    Workshops                 4pm - 7pm
                                               Private Reception     6pm - 7pm
                                               Dinner & Speakers    7pm - 9:30pm
                                               Music and ..........       9:30 until ...
Comfort Inn & Conference Center
3200 W. Broad Street Richmond VA 23230
Rooms are available for $69, including breakfast.  Just mention the Green Party
Event Rates
Table for Organization:  $50 - $100, Sliding Scale. You decide what you can afford.
Levels of Patronage: Patrons will also have the honor of having at their table, either Matt Gonzalez, Ralph Nader, a Green Presidential Candidate, or a House of Representative Candidate.
     Patron           ($400) Includes a full-page ad in the program, six dinner/private reception
                            tickets, a table for your group's literature, and a video of the event, plus
                            special seating with one of the speakers. (Availability Limited, Call).
     Sponsor        ($200) Includes a full-page ad in the program, two dinner/private reception
                            tickets, a table for your group's literature, and a video of the event.
Program Ads
We will be distributing a program.  Full-page ad is $100, half-page ad is $50, and a business card is $20.  Pages are 8 inches tall and 5 inches wide. We can design it or send it camera ready.
Ticket Prices
Dinner tickets are $40 each ($35 for GPVA and GPUS members), or $70 per couple, or $30 for students.  Private Reception tickets are an additional $10.  The Private Reception will feature small group conversation with Matt Gonzalez, Ralph Nader, and the Green Presidential nomination candidates, as well as appetizers and drinks. 
A limited number of free tickets are available for those having limited resources.
Please make out your checks to:    Green Party of Virginia.
Mail checks and requests to:          Dr. Jim Polk, Co-Chair
                                                            Green Party of Virginia
                                                            1404 Ashburnham Arch
                                                            Virginia Beach, Virginia 23456
Again, this promises to be an exciting event, networking many activist organizations and educating us with great workshops and timely speakers.  I hope to see you there.
In Solidarity,
Dr. Jim Polk, Co-Chair
Green Party of Virginia

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